
Wing Chun - Generating & Applying Force Against A Stronger Attacker

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In Wing Chun, we strive to generate force with as little muscular effort as possible. Instead, we aim to use our body's structures as efficiently as we can. But even if our force is "relaxed", that does not mean that we use it to directly oppose an incoming force. Instead, through a better understanding of Wing Chun's first form, Siu Lim Tao, and how that allows us to move our joints independently, freely and yet at the same time, in conjunction with each other, we can start to see how we can apply multiple vectors of force.
Instead of trying to simply produce more force in just one direction (which regardless of if you are trying to stay relaxed will inevitably become a clash of forces in which the more powerful person will generally prevail), understanding how Wing Chun's structures can deliver multiple vectors of force will allow you to progress your skills further. Multiple vectors of force are much harder for an opponent to deal with, as this video shows, even if they try to brace against them and resist.

Wing Chun Punch (Part 1) - Why It Lacks Power

Wing Chun - Can "Soft" Structure Really Stop Hard & Powerful Attacks?

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Wing Chun - Generating & Applying Force Against A Stronger Attacker

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Why I "Wasted" 25 Years Of My Life On Wing Chun. But It Still Saved My Life

Wing Chun Punch (Part 3) - Structure First. But Don't Be A Slave To It

Wing Chun Lesson - Punch #1

60 Seconds Of Siu Lim Tao -#11

60 Seconds Of Siu Lim Tao - #9

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