
TEDxNTU - JC Sum- Behind Magic: The value of being different

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J C Sum is an illusionist, illusion designer and show producer. He is known for his innovative mega illusions such as teleporting and vanishing people & cars over great distances as well as setting a world magic record and successfully predicting the national 4D lottery. . He is the first Singapore illusionist to be awarded the Merlin Award from the International Magicians Society for "Most Original Illusionist of the Year 2009". He was also presented with a "Special Recognition Award for Contributions to the Arts & Media Community" from the School of Film & Media Studies, Ngee Ann Polytechnic in 2011. He speaks about his experiences in choosing Magic as a career & how he feels about it now.

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TEDxNTU - JC Sum- Behind Magic: The value of being different

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