
The Power of Silence: Why Silent People Are Successful

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The amazing power of silence is something you might hear about in a ted talk, but not truly grasp. But if silence can make you successful and happy in your life, who aren’t more people hearing about the power of silence? Ironic? We thought so too. So here is a video.


Mind Wandering, Mindful Awareness, and Mental Tranquility

Brain Scans Show How Meditation Improves Mental focus

Dynamical Properties Associated with Meditation and Attentional Skills

Why Silences Is So Good for Your Brain

Thanks to Tristan Reed (writing), Troy W. Hudson (VO), for helping to create this video!
For Troy: www.youtube.com/TroyWHudson
Music from Bensound.com

The Power of Silence: Why Silent People Are Successful

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The Power of Silence: Why Silent People Are Successful

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