
10 Most Dangerous Animals Of Amazon Rainforests

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There are dangerous animals that can be found all over the world, but the Amazon rainforests probably have the highest concentration of dangerous animals in the entire world. These 10 most dangerous animals of Amazon rainforests can easily kill people and if you don’t die you’ll still be left in extreme pain if they choose to attack.

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Bullet Ant

Mostly found in the lowland rainforests of Nicaragua, Bolivia, Honduras, and Paraguay, these little critters are found all over central and south america and are troublesome pests to deal with. To begin with, bullet ants pack one hell of a punch. They’re called bullet ants because their stings feel a little like getting shot with a bullet - that’s how painful they are. It probably doesn’t help that their venomous, which is what causes all the pain when they sink their pincers into you. Bullet ant stings are said to be around 30 times more painful than honeybee stings, which makes them a little more than a simple annoyance. They like to nest at the base of trees and when they sting they don’t stop at just one. These ants will strike repeatedly to ensure that they put down any attacker, real or perceived. The venom that they inject into their victims contains a powerful neurotoxin known as poneratoxin and it causes intense burning, swelling, and pain for humans. These ants aren’t deadly, but the effects of getting stung by one can last up to 24 hours in some cases, so it’s best to avoid them at all costs.

Brazilian Wandering Spider

If you’re scared of spiders, the rainforest isn’t a place you want to be. There are countless species of spider living in the Amazon rainforests, although not all of them are created equal. One spider that puts the tarantula to shame is the Brazilian wandering spider, which has a very bad reputation to put it lightly. These spiders are also well known for standing on their hind legs as a defensive display. Their scientific name, paraponera clavata, is derived from the Greek word for murderers, which helps to sum up why people are so afraid of these spiders. It’s actually known as the deadliest spider in the world, and for good reason. That marks it as a creature not to be trifled with. It doesn’t spin webs, but simply wanders around on the jungle floor, hence its nickname. These spiders are amazingly aggressive and they can be found all over South America. They’re not afraid of attacking people for no reason at all and are the cause of many deaths in the region. Brazilian wandering spiders are nocturnal, hiding in dark, damp places during the day. Like bullet ants, they bite their victims repeatedly when they go on the offensive, pumping them full of a special neurotoxin. This causes pain, swelling, blurry vision, and breathing problems. Unless treated quickly, a bite from this spider will eventually result in death.

South American Rattlesnake

The South American rattlesnake is a type of pit viper that ranks among the most deadly of all the snakes found in the Amazon rainforests. Their numbers also include 9 subspecies of South American rattlesnake that can be differentiated based on their varying colours. This species is easily identified thanks to its telltale stripes and they can grow up to 1.5 metres long. Their stripes allow these deadly snakes to easily blend into their natural environment, making them extremely difficult to spot until you’re right on top of them. The silver lining is that south american rattlesnakes won’t attack humans unless they’ve been provoked, which does help lessen the danger they pose to a certain extent. Before they strike a victim, these snakes coil up tight and begin hissing at their attacker to warn them to stay away. If that doesn’t work, they’ll resort to biting them and injecting them with a neurotoxin that’s pretty damn potent. When bitten, victims can suffer blindness, paralysis, deafness, and death. That’s a pretty heavy list of symptoms and we’d be very happy giving these snakes a very wide berth. These snakes have a broad range of territory that they enjoy, increasing the likelihood of them coming into contact with people and they pose a serious medical risk for anyone hoping to venture out into the Amazon rainforests and pretty much anywhere else in South America.

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