
How to pick Teemo at Worlds I Challenger Teemo OTP explains

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Summary for those without time: https://youtu.be/BaFf2P1kAbo

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#Challenger #Alan234 #teemo

0:00 The plan
3:00 Intro - Who am I
4:40 Draft analysis
8:20 Teemo runes and items
14:40 Laning Phase start
16:50 Way too aggressive gameplay starts
17:50 Dog Time
19:10 The ward incident
24:00 The Teemo pick was not the problem
27:00 Worst possible trading
29:30 Teemo passive is so underrated
39:00 Discussing the ward incident more
44:00 I don't want to flame ADD, it just has to be said
45:00 Teemo vs Aatrox is even when played perfectly
50:00 Common Trading Patterns (with paint)
56:30 Ranting
1:02:00 Landing illegal combos
1:04:00 ADD does something GOOD
1:05:00 Even worst possible situation is somehow playable?
1:08:00 Horrible teamfight focus
1:11:00 I am sad about the gameplay
1:13:00 Aatrox WR vs Teemo fallacy
1:18:00 Custom game - Aatrox q doesn't reveal
1:18:30 Custom game - Aatrox w does reveal BUT
1:19:30 Custom game - Spells are dodgeable (secret hiding spot)
1:21:00 Custom game - Dots don't reveal Teemo
1:21:25 Example game 1
1:26:10 Example game 2
1:33:00 Ranting about different stuff until the end

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How to pick Teemo at Worlds I Challenger Teemo OTP explains

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Short Version: How to pick Teemo at Worlds

When you try to gank a challenger Teemo OTP😂

How to win on Teemo! | New Series - Teaching Teemo Tuesday!

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Shortest Version: How to pick Teemo at Worlds

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EVERY TEEMO MATCHUP explained! Part 1: A-J

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When you build correctly on Teemo...

Me when they lock in Aatrox [Challenger Teemo vs Aatrox]

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DOMINATE the lane with AERY [Teemo vs Kennen]

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Bouncing shrooms from Baron Pit to the enemy nexus!

Struggeling vs Malphite? Use this!

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