
8 Things NO ONE TELLS YOU About Building Muscle

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8 little-known facts about building muscle that no one really talks about
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We'll be talking about these items in this video:
- How to make muscles fast?
- What are the muscle-building tips?
- What are the things that no one tells you about muscle building?
- How to gain muscles?
- How to make muscles?
- How to build muscles?
- What are the first steps to making muscles?
- How to build muscles fast?
- How long does it take to gain muscle?
- What are the reasons your muscles aren't growing?
- How to maximize muscle growth?

8- Protein shakes and bars
Now there's another thing that no one really tells you. Protein shakes and bars are available, but they are not ideal for building muscle. Regular meals that include real, whole foods are a better choice.
While you can get the same amount of macronutrients from a protein bar or shake, you definitely won't get the same amount of micronutrients as you would from regular meals and real food. According to evidence, many of these micronutrients are highly responsible for muscle growth.
Nutrients such as zinc are essential for regulating testosterone levels, among other things. Nutrients such as calcium are vital not only for strong bones but also for muscle contraction.

7- Eat more whole-food meals daily.
If you want to see the best muscle growth, try to eat more food every day.
At least 4 meals a day is best, which is more than most people on a regular diet. Studies show you can achieve better muscle-building results by evenly spreading your protein intake. Protein intake should be spread over at least four meals throughout the day. This means that you have to think about preparing meals and taking those foods with you.

6- Creatine causes hair loss.
The theory is that creatine can increase DHT and other male hormones that cause male pattern baldness. There are actual studies that show that creatine can increase DHT. Although there is some evidence for this theory, it may not be true. Specifically, there was a study in which 20 university-age football players volunteered to participate in an experiment. They were given either creatine or a placebo. The results of the study showed that testosterone levels did not change in any of the groups. But the group taking creatine had a 56 percent increase in DHT; even after 14 days, it was still 40 percent above baseline.

5- Muscle grows while you rest.
Surprisingly, many people do not realize this. You may even have heard the saying that "muscle grows at rest." But the way they set up their exercise programs and sleep schedules doesn't quite fit that narrative. If you want to build muscle, sleep and rest are just as important as exercise and eating right. Many people eat well and work hard. But they only sleep 4 or 5 hours a night. This is terrible for muscle growth. In addition to sleeping, you should take enough time off lifting during the week to get back to peak performance.

4- Take extra time off from the gym.
There's another thing you don't hear very often when it comes to training breaks.
In fact, you can get stronger and build more muscle by resting now and then. Most people think you need to hit the gym weekly to gain strength and build muscle. But taking a week off from training gives your body a chance to rest and recover. Many times you will be surprised how much stronger you will come back the next week.

3- Muscle detraining and muscle memory
The other thing that no one really talks about is muscle memory.
You shouldn't take more than a week or two off to actively recover. But people's lives often get so busy that they stop exercising for long periods.
While it's far from perfect, the good news is that you have muscle memory. After about a month without training, you will inevitably lose muscle and strength.

2- Most lifters fail due to a lack of consistency.
Most lifters fail not because they lack proper training or diet but because they lack consistency. You must train for years without much downtime if you want to get big and strong. Despite consistent training and dieting, many have achieved success, but no powerlifter has ever succeeded without persistence.

1- Gains slow over time; this is NOT a plateau.
Growth is fast and furious during the first 12-24 months of weightlifting. Continuous growth in size and strength creates an amazing thrill. But slowly, over time, the growth rate begins to decline, and most lifters panic. They believe that they have stagnated and that significant steps must be taken to "revive" the gains.
Nothing could be further from the truth. Progress will naturally slow over time. This does not necessarily mean that you are doing something wrong.

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