
Jordan Peterson Shares a Simple Technique He Uses to Memorize Anything

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There is this technique called Memory Castle that people have used for centuries to remember things, and so what you do is, you sit and you imagine a, might be a place that you know, like a geographic place, a house. And then you could place the things that you remember, imagine that you walked through the house, you could place the things you want to remember at different locations in the house. But you have to turn what you're remembering into an image. And then you could walk through the house and you could lift things up and find what it is that you're trying to remember. And so, that's how I remember things. And I forget a lot of what I read, a tremendous amount of what I read. But now and then something pops up and it sticks, you know?

Jordan Peterson Shares a Simple Technique He Uses to Memorize Anything

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