
Scott Thornbury - My 7 favourite language teaching methods | #CambridgeDay2020

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The ‘method approach’ has been discredited by many scholars on the grounds that individual methods don’t fit the diversity of contexts in which second languages are taught. Nevertheless, training courses still include a component on ‘methods’ and many teachers are curious about the way that methods have evolved, often as a by-product of developments in education and philosophy. Also, methods offer novice teachers a framework with which to structure the seemingly chaotic nature of the language learning process, as they develop their own, more context-sensitive ‘methodology’. In this talk, Scott chooses seven methods that (I will argue) embody sound principles of methodology, and suggest that methods are not – as sometimes claimed – dead.

Scott Thornbury has taught and trained in Egypt, UK, Spain, and in his native New Zealand. Until recently, he taught on an online MA TESOL program for The New School in New York. His writing credits include several award-winning books for teachers on language and methodology, including About Language (Cambridge). His latest two books are 30 Language Teaching Methods and 101 Grammar Questions (both Cambridge). He is also the series editor for the Cambridge Handbooks for Language Teachers and a trustee of the HandsUp Project, which promotes drama activities in English for children in under-resourced regions of the Arab world.. His website is https://protect-eu.mimecast.com/s/-VG8C0878fgVE2lUwDp7x?domain=scottthornbury.com

As a way of continuing to support social actions that reflect the Cambridge University Press Brazil - Food for Thought project, in this edition we will support Ação da Cidadania, an institution founded by Betinho, a Brazilian sociologist and human rights activist. Every R$ 1,00 donated is equivalent to 1 meal and the donation amount is open. Cambridge University Press Brasil invites you to contribute to this project and help other people's lives: https://bit.ly/ContributeFoodForThought

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Scott Thornbury - My 7 favourite language teaching methods | #CambridgeDay2020

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