
Would You Feed A Million-Dollar Racehorse Junk Food? Parenting Pt 2 | Daniel & Tana

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--- Summary ---

Would You Feed A Million-Dollar Racehorse Junk Food?

Of course not!

Yet most parents continue to feed their kids massive amounts of junk food every day. It’s an epidemic that will have tragic consequences if we don’t do something about it soon.
How did so many parents get into this bad habit?
For many, they believed the lie that having their kids “eat something” was better than if they ate nothing.
In the same way feeding a million-dollar racehorse junk food won’t produce a faster race time, your kids can’t perform at their best unless they eat brain-healthy fuel.
Clearly we have a problem with junk food in diet of our children. But hang in there, you are not alone and there is hope.
We’re here to help if you are a parent struggling to get your kids to ditch the chicken nuggets and mac ‘n cheese.
According to clinical neuroscientist, board-certified psychiatrist, New York Times bestselling author, brain-imaging expert and Amen Clinics founder Daniel G. Amen, MD: “Raising brain-healthy children starts with having their parents live a brain-healthy life and set a positive example in the home.”
In this week’s video, Dr. Amen and his wife Tana Amen offer practical tips on how you can create a brain-healthy eating plan in your home.
Here are just a few of the helpful topics they cover:
Set clear boundaries
As a parent, feel empowered to set boundaries about what type of food is in your house and what your kids can eat. You can control what gets eaten in your house!

Be an active listener
If you feel like your children never talk to you, it may be because you aren’t listening. Learn to practice active listening to create a safe space for open communication.
Dig down to the root
If you feel like you are using effective parenting techniques but still have long battles with your kids, something else may be going on. It may be time to further investigate the root cause of the troubling behaviors.

Kids and adults alike must eat right to think right. Setting an example for your kids by eating brain-healthy foods is the first step. Establishing nutrition boundaries, practicing active listening, and celebrating the wins are all things you can start working on today.

Dr. Amen and Tana want to keep the conversation around raising brain-healthy children going so please leave us a comment. Share what’s working and what’s not working in your family. Together, we can offer solutions and build a community of brain-healthy parents raising brain-healthy kids.
Amen Clinics has helped thousands of individuals and families live brain-healthy lives over the past 25 years. Through that vast experience, Dr. Amen and his colleagues have examined nearly 100,000 SPECT brain scans from men and women in 111 countries around the world.
If you feel that you or a loved one could benefit from an evaluation, contact the Amen Clinics Care Center today. Call 1-844-203-4730 or fill out they online form and one of our Patient Care Coordinators will contact you.

Would You Feed A Million-Dollar Racehorse Junk Food? Parenting Pt 2 | Daniel & Tana

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