
Top 10 best places to visit in Southeast Asia in 2022

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So, what are the countries that makeup Southeast Asia? Southeast Asia consists of 11 countries that are divided into “mainland” and “island” zones.

Mainland – Myanmar (Burma), Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam.
Island – Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines, Brunei, and East Timor (which was formerly the part of Indonesia)

All of Southeast Asia lies between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. So, there are similarities in climate as well as plant and animal life throughout the region.

The map of Southeast Asia does little to convey the diversity – of ethnicity, religion, culture, and lifestyle. The Southeast Asian nations have very diversely adapted to these cultural changes and evolved their distinct sophisticated style in lifestyle, visual arts, and architecture.

Buddhist culture is prominent in mainland Southeast Asia. Before the 14th century, Hinduism and Buddhism were the dominant religions of Southeast Asia. Thereafter, Islam became dominant in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Brunei. Southeast Asia has also had a lot of Western influence due to colonialism. Hence, the Philippines which has been heavily influenced by the United States, and Spain has Christianity as the main religion.

In general, the time period between November and February is the best time to visit Southeast Asia. However, it will also vary depending on the region being visited. The climate is hot and humid most of the time of the year.

Top 10 best places to visit in Southeast Asia in 2022

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