
"RIPPED" 46-yr Old Grandpa Shares His TOP 3 Fat-Burning Secrets

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For Men OVER 40: Use This Simple 12-Min Movement For Shredded Abs http://gl12.net/ytfatburningsecrets

You see, if you're over 35 years old, growth hormone levels inside your body start declining rapidly. And this is a condition known as somatopause, and the twelve minute protocol that I'm about to share with you can increase growth hormone levels 400% to 700%. And it can also force the body to release adrenaline. And adrenaline converts into hormones that are responsible for releasing stubborn fat cells into the bloodstream where they can be burned off.

So if you over 35 years old, you want to reactivate these declining hormones, pay close attention. Because there are three zones that you must enter in order to release all this growth hormone and adrenaline, and to access stubborn fat as a fuel source and a daily ongoing basis.

And zone number one, I call prime. And this is where you must prime your hormones before you move or exercise or engage in my 12 minute protocols. So when I say prime hormones, the number one hormone I'm talking about is insulin. Insulin is known as the body's storage hormone. And if insulin is elevated, it makes it nearly impossible to access fat as a fuel source. So that's why it's important to flatline insulin before you engage in our 12 minute protocols.

There's a couple of different ways that you can do this. The first way is to wake up in a fasted state, and engage in these 12 minute protocols. And the second way is to wait three to four hours after a meal-- see, any time you eat a meal regardless of the food choices, it's going to elevate insulin. And by waiting three to four hours after that meal before you engage in our twelve minute protocols, this allows insulin to stabilize.

So when you're in a fasted state like this, whether it's in the morning or three to four hours after a meal, it kicks up the body's sympathetic nervous system. This is your body's fight or flight response. This is what forces the body to release growth hormone and adrenaline to the hormones that are precursors for you to release and burn off stubborn fat cells.

So now that you've primed the hormones, now you can enter zone 2, which I call release. And this is where you're going to release these hormones using specific movement patterns, specific rest periods, and specific intensity levels for 12 minutes in a row. It will not only dramatically increase adrenaline and growth hormone, it's also been shown in research to elevate the metabolic rate for up to 48 hours afterwards. And there's research backing that up over at our web site.

After you've done this 12 minute protocol, you must enter zone 3. Now this is very important, because if you don't enter zone 3, you could just re-store all the stubborn fat cells that you just released. You see, after you use my twelve minute protocol, all kinds of fatty acids are floating around in the bloodstream from the hormones that you just released. So you have all this fat floating around in your bloodstream that needs to be burned off. And if you don't burn it of, science shows because of your current hormonal condition, you could suffer from something called re-esterification. This is where the body actually restores stubborn fat cells into another area of the body.

So it's crucial to get the amazing results that you're looking for in only 12 minutes a day that you enter zone 3. And if you click the link around this web site, you're going to learn exactly how to enter zone 3.

And then lastly, I just want to mention to you before you go check out my website, that we give you a money back guarantee on my system. So it's called the Over 40 Ab Solution, because it is, in my opinion, the solution for people over 40 to lose stubborn fat in only 12 minutes per day. And I have a money back guarantee. So if you don't get amazing results, just send us an email and I'll gladly refund you. Because I am very passionate about this, because I know how well it works.

3 Critical "Zones" Women OVER 40 Must Enter To BURN Belly Fat

"RIPPED" 46-yr Old Grandpa Shares His TOP 3 Fat-Burning Secrets

How My 57 Year Old Wife Optimizes Her Hormones to Help Her Lose Belly Fat In ONLY 12 Minutes Per Day

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