
Six Tricks Banks Use To Drive Owners Into Foreclosure

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Hi I am Susan Murphy - lead attorney at Advocate Law

To get a free no-obligation assessment of your current situation Call 800-846-0390 or

visit http://www.advocatelegal.com

If you are being foreclosed on by a bank or have had the bank refuse payments or

drag their feet with a loan modification that puts your home in jeopardy, call us today.

You are faced with lots of questions like:

-Should I move out even though the foreclosure has not happened yet?
-Why do I feel like the bank is giving me the run-around?
-What if I find that I have been locked out of my house? Can I break in?
-What rights do I have based on the Californial Homeowners Bill of Rights Law?

Even if you feel stuck or are beginning to lose hope, give me a call -- you just might be

surprised by what's is possible for you.

My phone number is 800-846-0390 and my website is http://www.advocatelegal.org/

Six Tricks Banks Use To Drive Owners Into Foreclosure

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