
TRT World - World in Two Minutes, 2015, October 29, 15:00 GMT

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Kerry arrives for Syria talks
US Secretary of State John Kerry is in Vienna for talks on ways to end the war in Syria. Iran will also be taking part in the discussions for the first time. Saudi Arabia’s foreign minister says the meeting will show whether Russia and Iran are ‘serious’ about finding a political solution. The US has said the talks will focus on how to remove Syria’s President, Bashar al Assad.

Government ends 1-child policy
China’s Communist Party has ended its one-child policy after 36 years. Previously, people who violated the law faced fines and some were forced to have abortions. State-run media says the decision to reverse the policy was made because China’s workforce is shrinking. But some academics say the change won’t have much effect. Couples in 19 provinces have already been allowed a second child if their firstborn is a girl.

92nd Day of the Republic
People across Turkey have marked the 92nd anniversary of the founding of the republic. It’s a commemoration of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk’s declaration. In the capital Ankara, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan spoke at a ceremony at Ataturk’s mausoleum. He said the Turkish parliament is determined to maintain the republic “on the principle of one nation, one homeland, one flag and one state.” Since July. Turkey has faced an increase in terror attacks. The PKK has killed more than 150 Turkish security forces. On October 10th, a double bombing at a peace rally in Ankara killed 102 people. Ankara’s Chief Public Prosecutor has said Daesh, also known as ISIS, was behind it.

Deutsche Bank cuts 15K jobs
Deutsche Bank says it plans to cut 15-thousand jobs over the next five years. The losses will affect its operations in 10 countries. The bank says it also wants to reduce its number of customers by half. Deutsche Bank says it wants to focus on markets where it can succeed. The bank reported a net loss of 6.6 billion dollars in the third quarter.

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TRT World - World in Two Minutes, 2015, October 29, 15:00 GMT

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