
ATF: 25 different types of push-ups

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f you do pushups correctly, you develop your scapular muscles and your rotator-cuff muscles to stabilize your shoulders. If you do bench presses instead of pushups, you don't have to use those muscles as much," says Michael Clark, C.S.C.S., a physical therapist and president of the National Academy of Sports Medicine.

In other words, pushups not only build up the facade in front of your physique, but also develop the support system behind those muscles, too.

Here's why that's important: In every physical action, some muscles act as the engine and some act as the brakes. If the brakes aren't strong and durable enough to counterbalance the engine, you've got an injury waiting to happen.

When a guy comes up with a chronically sore shoulder from bench pressing, for example, the problem is usually that the chest and shoulder muscles are too strong relative to the muscles behind them.

So it makes sense that pushups help improve muscular balance, which is important for developing serious strength. And with strength comes muscle size.

Upper Body Conditioning

The agonists, or prime movers in pushups are your pectoralis major, anterior deltoids and triceps. These muscles are located on your chest, front of your shoulders and back of your arms, respectively. Other upper body muscles are involved when you perform pushups, such as your serratus anterior, but these muscles are relatively small and considerably less important. Doing pushups on a regular basis will strengthen, tone and build these major muscles, which can make daily activities easier and improve sports performance.

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Bone mass naturally declines with age after peaking during your mid to late 30s. If left unchecked, this bone loss can lead to osteoporosis, a medical condition characterized by weak bones that are prone to fracture. Performing weight-bearing exercises like pushups will strengthen your wrists, forearms, elbows, upper arms and shoulders. They will also help reduce bone loss and promote stronger, more dense bones.
Increased Metabolic Rate
Pushups use a large number of muscles at the same time; even your legs get in on the action. All of this muscular activity means that your heart must work hard to pump blood to your working muscles, which also causes your breathing rate to increase. Furthermore, a set of pushups will elevate your metabolic rate while you are doing them and as you recover afterward, all of which can help contribute to weight loss.Pushups What Muscles Do Triangle... How to Do Knuckle Pushups

Core Strength

When you perform pushups, your spine should remain neutrally curved and rigid so that any load is distributed safely through it. If your back should sag, your lumbar spine will become hyperextended, which can lead to injury. Keeping your spine properly aligned is the job of your core -- the muscles around your midsection. Although primarily considered an upper body exercise, pushups also strengthen your core muscles -- specifically your rectus abdominus and transversus abdomini
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Personal Trainer: Adam Tanner

ATF: 25 different types of push-ups

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