
What is the future of NATO in Libya?

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With the death of Muammar Gaddafi by National Transitional Council forces, questions are now being asked about NATO presence in the North African nation.

After seven months, attacks on 6,000 military targets, and the deployment of 9,500 attack forces, the death of Gaddafi calls the continued presence of NATO in Libya into question.

Gaddafi's death leaves the NTC to fend off disparate fighting groups - some still loyal to Gaddafi - as much of the deposed leader's vast weapons arsenal remains unaccounted for, all without an official military force.

The new situation leaves NATO with a military and political decision regarding the ability of the NTC to bring peace to Libya and its own role in the nation.

Al Jazeera's Jonah Hull reports.

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What is the future of NATO in Libya?

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