
Funerary Monuments of Hatshepsut and Senenmut #RAMASES/#ExplorersEgyptology with Prof. Aidan Dodson

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The Funerary Monuments of Hatshepsut and Senenmut

Hatshepsut’s reign marked an important horizon in the development of Egyptian royal funerary arrangements, with the definitive adoption of the Valley of the Kings as the kingly cemetery, and the first ‘mature’ royal memorial temple. In the private sphere, the funerary arrangements of her close associate Senenmut show important features, some of which are seemingly unique for a private person. This afternoon we will therefore explore their monuments and what they tell us about not only Egyptian funerary archaeology, but also what they may say about the much-debated nature of the their personal relationship.

Professor Aidan Dodson is the President of RAMASES, and has taught at the University of Bristol since 1996, where he became honorary Professor of Egyptology in 2018. A graduate of Liverpool and Cambridge Universities, he was Simpson Professor of Egyptology at the American University in Cairo in spring 2013, and Chair of Trustees of the Egypt Exploration Society from 2011 to 2016. Aidan is the author of 25 books and over 400 articles and reviews, his latest book being Nefertiti, Queen and Pharaoh of Egypt: her life and afterlife (AUC Press, 2020).

Any questions or queries about any #ExplorersEgyptology content, please contact SJ: sarah@awakeandaway.co.uk

Hatshepsut by David Pepper Jan 2022

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