
Death Anxiety

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This presentation created by Cam Been will help you understand what anxiety is and what specifically death anxiety is. The audience should also be able to understand causes of death anxiety in humans or things that may put a person at higher risk of suffering from an excessive amount of death anxiety. Next, the audience should learn the impact that death anxiety has on a person. Finally, the audience should understand that since we are all human beings, anxiety about how we die and death itself applies to all.

Talk to your therapist or physician if you are concerned about death anxiety interfering with your daily life!

Anxiety and Depression Association of America

List of current Death Education programs with links

Why we need to talk about death

Hotline for Grief counseling

Anxiety (2020). American Psychological Association.

Cavanaugh, J.C. & Blanchard-Fields, F. (2017). Adult Development and Aging 8th edition). 380-382.

Cohut, M. (2017). Death anxiety: the fear that drives us? Medical News Today.

”Emma Stone terrified of death”. (2012). Express Newspapers.

Hoelterhoff, M. & Chung, M.C. (2017). Death anxiety resilience: a mixed methods investigation. Psychiatric Quarterly. 635-638.

Lyke, J. (2013). Associations among aspects of meaning of life and death anxiety in young adults. Death Studies. 472-480.

Sharma, P., Asthana, H.S., Gambhir, I.S., Ranjan, J.K. (2019). Death anxiety and psychological wellbeing of institutionalized elderly. Indian Journal of Gerontology. 241-244.

WHO: Let’s talk about depression – focus on older people

Thanatophobia (death anxiety) in the elderly

Anxiety in Older Adults: Causes, Symptoms, Treatments

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Mental Health Matters: Depression and Anxiety in Older Adults

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Aging, Death, and Dying in the Post-Pandemic World | Dr. Cortney Rinker | TEDxGeorgeMasonU

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Ageism: Dead and Dying - Dr. Julie Masters on LTC Heroes

How to Recognize a Dying Patient? | Signs of Approaching Death

The Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) Assessment

Late-life Depression and Bereavement - Research on Aging

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Death Anxiety

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