
SpaceX Starship next flight to 41,000ft (12.5km) - Bellyflop #2

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Save 10% off your first website or domain at https://www.squarespace.com/marcushouse - Coupon Code: MARCUSHOUSE - Well, here we are in the final leadup to the SpaceX Starship next flight to 41,000ft (12.5km). This will be Bellyflop #2 with what we hope will be a successful landing this time around. The dizzying speed of SN9's preparations for its test flight continued this week, as did the amazing build progress with various sections of several Starship versions spotted. It’s also almost time for the first Cargo Dragon version 2 (CRS-21) to come home after the fully autonomous capsule docked with the International Space Station on December 7 last year. We had the first Falcon 9 launch of 2021 with the Turksat 5A mission, and we also take a look back at the Mars Spirit and Opportunity Rovers that landed on the red planet seventeen years ago. An amazing mission to look back on as we await the arrival of Perseverance in just a few weeks now.

Erc X

Stanley Creative

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The production crew: Brenton Myers, Brendan Lewis, GameplayReviewUK

NASASpaceFlight - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSUu1lih2RifWkKtDOJdsBA
BocaChicaGal - https://twitter.com/BocaChicaGal
RGVAerialPhotography - https://www.youtube.com/c/RGVAerialPhotography
LabPadre - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFwMITSkc1Fms6PoJoh1OUQ
Greg Scott - Photographer - https://twitter.com/GregScott_photo

✨ Erc X - https://twitter.com/ErcXspace
✨ Corey - https://twitter.com/C_Bass3d
✨ Neopork - https://twitter.com/Neopork85
✨ Tony Bela - https://twitter.com/InfographicTony
✨ DeepSpaceCourier - https://twitter.com/ds_courier
✨ SpaceXvision - https://twitter.com/SpacexVision
✨ Stanley Creative - https://twitter.com/Caspar_Stanley
✨ Kimi Talvitie - https://twitter.com/kimitalvitie

Deliberate Thought by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/?keywords=deliberate+thought
Artist: http://incompetech.com/

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SpaceX Starship next flight to 41,000ft (12.5km) - Bellyflop #2

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