
Did Dante really go to paradise? #Dante #DivineComedy #Paradise #Dante2021 #Dante700

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In this 700th anniversary year, the truth of the Divine Comedy is a key issue.

Modern critics may explain its spiritual veracity by putting its impact down to social construction and performativity. But Dante knew about literature as much as he knew about divine life. He is emphatically clear that he has travelled to the high heavens and seeks to write so that we may follow him too.

In this talk, I use Dante's own framework of the literal, allegorical, tropological and anagogic to explore how he doesn't just report his time in heaven, but presents us with an account that opens divine domains to this day.

For more on my book, Dante's Divine Comedy: A Guide for the Spiritual Journey (Angelico Press), see https://www.markvernon.com/books/dantes-divine-comedy-book

For further talks on Dante, William Blake nondualism and other matters, enjoy a search around my YouTube channel.

Did Dante really go to paradise? #Dante #DivineComedy #Paradise #Dante2021 #Dante700

How To Know Paradise and Know It Now - the way of #Dante's #Paradiso #DivineComedy

Paradiso 1

The Paradiso: Dante's Ultimate Vision of Universal Harmony and Eternal Salvation

Celebrating 700 years of Dante's Divine comedy

Why Dante Matters - a conversation with the Church Times podcast #DivineComedy #Dante700

Nel mezzo del cammin | 700 anni dalla morte di Dante | Paradiso, I canto

Dante Alighieri - In Quest of Paradise - Paradise - part 1 The Heaven of the Moon

Dante's Divine Comedy: The Journey of a Lifetime

Dante Alighieri- In Quest of Paradise - The Mountain of Purgatory - part one

Paradiso 2

Dante, Alive After 700 Years

PARADISO - Fabio Imbergamo - La Divina Commedia di Dante Alighieri

DANTE ALIGHIERI: In Quest of Paradise Part 4 And so it begins... INFERNO 1- V1

Dante Alighieri in Quest of Paradise: Dante & Virgil in the Ninth Circle of Hell

700 Years of Dante in the British Library

Why Paradise? Part 3 of 3 talks on Dante's Divine Comedy #nonduality #universalism #apocatastasis

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Paradiso XXXII - Commedia - Dante Alighieri

CIEL DE MARS, La Divine Comédie du point de vue de Béatrice - extrait séquence Matelda.

Giorno 75 - archimandrita (Paradiso XI, 99) - Marco Bonucci

Giorno 35 - infuturarsi (Paradiso XVII, 98) - Marco Bonucci

Giorno 55 - inmiarsi (Paradiso IX, 81) - Marco Bonucci

Four Evenings with Dante and his "Divine Comedy" – Episode 2

CIEL DE MARS, La Divine Comédie du point de vue de Béatrice - extrait séquence Cacciaguida.

Dante's Cosmic Journey Begins: From Eden to the Sun. Paradiso 1-11

Giorno 13 - intuarsi (Paradiso IX, 81 ) - Marco Bonucci

Giorno 1 - trasumanar (Paradiso I, 70) - Marco Bonucci

DANTE 700 | Biography and Self-telling in Dante

Dante700 | DANTE OUT OF THE BOOK: From African-American Writers to Theater in US Jais

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