
Atheists Will HATE This Video (Ken Ham)

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Answers in Genesis: Today, Ken Ham lectures about all of the ways Science proves the Bible. You’ll hear about how DNA is evidence of an infinite God, the origins of difference races of people, the proof of a worldwide flood, and much more!

GET MORE ANSWERS: http://www.AnswersInGenesis.org


Science Confirms The Bible (Ken Ham Speaks to Teens) featuring Ken Ham: http://bit.ly/2MOwZ7c

The Great Debate on Science and the Bible - Young Earth vs. Old Earth featuring Ken Ham, Dr. Walt Kaiser, Dr. Jason Lisle, and Dr. Hugh Ross: http://bit.ly/2IXsZ1M

The Evolution of Darwin: His Science featuring Dr. David Menton: http://bit.ly/2u8grQ2

Science 101 pack featuring Wes Olson: http://bit.ly/2tWwEZc

0:00 Introduction
5:30 - Is there any evidence for an infinite God?
17:48 - How could Noah fit all the species of animals on the Ark?
25:49 - Where did Cain find his wife?
28:33 - How did the different “races” of people come about?
32:55 - Is there any evidence for a global flood?
44:36 - Did God create in 6 literal days or long periods of time?
48:18 - Can Christians believe in millions of years?
50:04 - How old is the earth?
55:50 - Why does it matter what Christians believe about Genesis?

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