
#lcc10 Day 2 livestream

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This is the live stream recording for the April 23, 2023 day 2 of the 10th (digital) Language Creation Conference. #lcc #lcc10 #LCC2023 #LanguageCreationConference.

Schedule, details, links, & slides: https://conlang.org/lcc10

Playlist (separate videos added shortly after each talk): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOSXnL88bvWv5AAOWy43J7Jy-Sh7gSF5B

Join the LCS: https://conlang.org/become-a-member/

Planned schedule (starting at 13:30 UTC — times below are relative to start, for use as YT chapters):
00:00:00 Joseph (Joey) W. Windsor - Day 2 prep & introduction
00:23:19 Carl Buck: Writing systems and their relationship to language
00:52:29 Yoshi Smart (@Yoshimidsu), Georgia Stavros (@dyngaskanal398 ), & the Dyngā Community: Sā Dyngā—Living Indo-European Panlanging
01:12:06 Keras Saryan: Clausal negation in Xwere Gonom
01:33:21 Break
01:45:14 Joseph (Joey) W. Windsor & Sai (@saizai @CogSai) - Day 2 interlude 1 & conlang community survey
01:50:44 Kelvin Jackson & relay participants: Conlang Relay Presentation (Three Rings)
03:54:12 Matt Pearson: Thh-Tmaa: Rediscovering the Lost Language of the Hive
04:23:54 Margaret Ransdell-Green (@pureicefire): More Than Their Parts: Linking Actions and Creating New Senses Through Serial Verb Constructions
04:52:10 John R. Harness: Klingon Canon Formation and Negotiation
05:15:29 Break
05:23:40 John R. Harness, Jeannie Ashelin, & Tihi Hayslett: Panel: A Na’vi, a Dothraki, and a Klingon Walk into a Trinkejo…
06:21:56 Joseph (Joey) W. Windsor - Day 2 interlude 2
06:29:47 Joseph (Joey) W. Windsor - Day 2 interlude 3
06:34:09 Israel A. C. Noletto: Paratextual Fictional Languages for Characterisation and World-Building
07:04:44 Brian B. Bourque: Evolving a Script with a Conlang
07:25:26 Bruce Arthur: Life Without Adjectives and Adverbs in Ketoshaya
07:45:40 Joey Windsor: Closing Remarks

Captions by ‎@stenoknight.

#lcc10 Day 2 livestream

#lcc10 Dominique Stephan Bobeck - The Semitic Influence on Conlangs

#lcc10 Day 1 livestream

#lcc10 Benjamin Fox - Conlangs and Neurolinguistics

#lcc10 Joseph (Joey) W. Windsor & Sai - Day 2 interlude 1 & conlang community survey

#lcc10 Brian B. Bourque - Evolving a Script with a Conlang

#lcc10 Carl Buck - Writing systems and their relationship to language

#lcc10 Noletto - Paratextual Fictional Languages for Characterisation and World-Building

#lcc10 Joseph (Joey) W. Windsor - Day 2 interlude 2

#lcc10 Roman Tarasov (Роман Тарасов) - Reflection of (natural) language structures in different type

#lcc10 Ransdell-Green - Linking Actions and Creating New Senses Through Serial Verb Constructions

#lcc10 Joseph (Joey) W. Windsor - Welcome and opening remarks

#lcc10 Harness, Ashelin, & Hayslett - Panel A Na’vi, a Dothraki, and a Klingon Walk into a Trinkejo…

#lcc10 Ben Norton @brushesbladesconlang - Introduction to the Nuráma Language

#lcc10 Joseph (Joey) W. Windsor - Day 1 Interlude 2

#lcc10 Joseph (Joey) W. Windsor - Day 1 closing remarks

#lcc10 Logan Kearsley - Creativity & Constraint: Conlanging Beyond the IPA

#lcc10 George Corley - Conlanging with a Metrical Grid

#lcc10 Douglas (Doug) L. Ball - The story of /ts/ and its relation to Skerre

#lcc10 Joseph (Joey) W. Windsor - Day 2 prep & introduction

#lcc10 Joseph (Joey) W. Windsor - Day 1 Interlude 3

#lcc10 Yoshi Smart, Georgia Stavros, and the Dyngā Community - Sā Dyngā—Living Indo-European Panlang

#lcc10 Joseph (Joey) W. Windsor - Day 2 interlude 3

#lcc10 Joseph (Joey) W. Windsor - Day 1 Interlude 1

#lcc10 Natanya Norry - Experiments in Divergent Translation: A Showcase and Test Run of Rhapsodaic

#lcc10 Andrew Higgins - Linguistic Poachers of the Star Trek and Stars Wars Storyworlds

#lcc10 Bruce Arthur - Life Without Adjectives and Adverbs in Ketoshaya

#lcc10 Joseph (Joey) W. Windsor - Day 1 Interlude 4

#lcc10 Jamin, Margaret, & Joey - Panel: Getting Jobs From the #Jobs Channel

#lcc10 Sidney Welsh - Khơlīvh Ɯr: A Study of the Interaction between Language and Culture

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