
Muscle pain after a workout, good or bad? - #FOTD342

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Muscle pain after a workout, good or bad?

The key to this question is how soon after a workout?
If you have loads of pain straight after, like straight after you have probably damaged a muscle and more than likely strained it or as it's known, pulled a muscle.
There are three types of muscles cells in your body, cardiac, skeletal and smooth.
Skeletal is the only one that we have actual direct control over.
Skeletal muscle is  made of thousands and in some cases millions of muscle fibres a strain is when you tear a significant number of these fibres. Mild is about 5% rip, moderate is a higher percentage and a full rupture severs the muscle entirely and usually needs surgery to repair it.
Even a mild strain requires at least a weeks rest.
If it's an ache as opposed to pain directly after then that is acute muscle soreness which is likely due to muscle fatigue (tired muscles) a build up of waste products, mostly hydrogen ions due to the production of substances like lactic acid and its subsequent breakdown.  Also there is a build up of fluid which has been sent to the affected muscle to remove aforementioned waste products, this will ease after some rest.
If you feel amazing after the gym but then one-three days later you find you can’t brush your teeth or walk up the stairs because your muscles ache soooooo bad, then that, my friend, is a case of the DOMS
Which stands for delayed onset muscle soreness.
On a microscopic level, your muscles are made up of a number of proteins chiefly actin and myosin fibres. These intertwine and shorten the length of your muscles when you exert a force on them, this can be anything from moving your body parts to walk or throwing some tin around in the gym (lifting weights)
The force of you lifting weights causes the actin-myosin bonds to stretch as they try to prevent the muscle from lengthening under increased force.
Some of these individual pairs are ripped apart.
This causes microtears in the muscle.
This then triggers the recovery and repair process.
You feel stiff because of inflammation in that area.
The blood transports chemicals and white blood cells to the area to help to heal it.
They remove and breakdown damaged cells which allows the muscle to regenerate
After a few days the microtears are repaired but bigger and stronger than before so you can lift even heavier weights.
That is how your muscles grow.
So pain straight after is bad, rest for at least a week.
If you ache directly afterwards that's fine some rest and back in the gym
If you get the DOMS after a day or so thats them gains straight back in the gym but exercise a different muscle group.

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Music provided by Frequency.
Track: Trixtor - Moments
Link: https://youtu.be/QSlO48ikCHI

Muscle pain after a workout, good or bad? - #FOTD342

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