
3 Ways Narcissists Cross Emotional Boundaries & Control Your Energy |C-PTSD Recovery

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3 Ways Narcissists Cross Emotional Boundaries & Control Your Energy |C-PTSD Recovery
Today I'm talking about emotional boundaries - what are they? I'm going to talk about 3 ways malignant narcissists cross your boundaries how it leaves you feeling - and the second part of this video will be about the cptsd recovery part - what to do if you have constantly had your emotional boundaries cross. The first half is about identifying the behaviors and what narcissists do to cross them. We have to understand what they do becuase it's so hard to heal when you have no idea whats going on. BUT learning about them is not going to heal cptsd - it will make sense of what happened. So the second part of the video is about what's involved with getting your emotional boundaries where they need to be to have healthy relationships. So if you're ready to focus within - make sure you watch until the end.
For those that don't know me I'm a life and relationshp coach, specializing in narcissistic abuse recovery and cptsd recovery. I'm also the founder of the Thrivers School of Transformation (links above)
I want to start off by saying there was a time in my life when I didn't know what emotional boundaries were. In fact a question I used to ask - and this is the question that I feel is such an indication that a person has gone through gaslighting and narcissistic abuse - and that question is... is it wrong that I'm upset because of this, that and the other thing. Just that question - is it wrong. Basically what I was asking was - are my feelings wrong? And I said that to someone once and he said to me - Michele feelings -are never right or wrong they just are yours - they are your feelings. Someone might have a different perspective but that still doesn't take away your feelings from you. And it doesnt make them wrong just because someone else has a different perspective.

how narcissists cross boundaries, how narcissists eliminate your emotional boundaries, gaslighting tactics, setting boundaries with difficult people, narcissists cause chaos, narcissists and ptsd, ptsd after emotional abuse, ptsd after narcissistic relationships, how to heal after you leave narcissist, cptsd recovery, complex ptsd recovery, learning how to have healthy boundaries after being raised by narcissistic parents, narcissistic mother, narcissistic father, healing after narcissism, learning to be authentic after emotional manipulation

3 Ways Narcissists Cross Emotional Boundaries & Control Your Energy |C-PTSD Recovery

When Narcissists REFUSE to Respect Boundaries - Then What?

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