
Sichuan Emei fist | 四川峨眉拳:刚柔并济,内外兼修

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Located in southwest China's Sichuan Province, Mount Emei is renowned for its beautiful and fairy-like sceneries, often being dubbed the "Most beautiful mountain in the country." Besides the landscape, Mount Emei has a rich culture of martial arts, including the traditional Emei Fist. Created by a martial artist named Situ Xuankong, the Fist originated in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, nearly 3,000 years ago. The Emei Fist emphasizes the use of palms and fingers. The smaller the target area, the greater the force used. The fluid moves alternate between slow and fast, deceptive and real, allowing the fighter to conquer the enemy effortlessly and elegantly. #Chinakungfu #十三亿分之一

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Shaolin soft weapon: Three-section cudgel | 少林三节棍:身动心净,洞达禅理

Sichuan Emei fist | 四川峨眉拳:刚柔并济,内外兼修

The imitation of the tiger's movements: Shaolin tiger fist | 少林虎拳:勇猛强劲,百炼成钢

Emei Martial Arts: Emei Sword | 峨嵋剑:刚柔脆快巧,执剑走偏锋

chinese martial arts #shorts #traditional #short

Blossom Fist | 花拳:形神兼备 收放自如

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