
Perfect Bar Is Doing Everything Right

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Perfect Bar, a little San Diego-based, privately-owned, family-run company. 88 ads live. Go for it, guys. Good for you. Lot of ads, as you can see.

One of these ads caught my eye. This one here, "Happy birthday to us. Happy celebrating to you. Our brand-new, limited-edition birthday cake Perfect Bar is now live. Then they have a discount offer that they're running as well. "Don't regret it. Your last chance to stock up on birthday cake, because once they're gone, they're gone for good." And, "Reorder today." So I'm assuming that's re-targeting obviously if somebody already purchased. Very smart, good tailored copy for that.

But it also is exciting to see this particular ad, because that means they're targeting people's birthday month in Facebook. We talked about that in a post earlier. I believe it was a bracelet company that I'd reviewed. You can still do that in Facebook, target people's birthday. Give it a try. There's no reason not to, especially if you've got a product that's birthday cake-related. Very, very smart.

Based on all the different kind of customizations, too, I know that this brand's really on top of it, and they've got three different variations of the same ad, which is again very smart. That's what we want to see, the same kind of ad built specifically for the different aspect ratios of these images. Very, very well done. Their creative department's putting some good stuff together. They've got a nice balance here between self-shot images and more stock-style product shots. Very good as well.

Overall, a lot of these ads have a really good mix. Again, if you have to touch multiple times, you need to have a lot of ads up like this, and you need to let them spend so that they get the reach of people that are exposed to different kinds of bars for this particular product.

I really did like these. This is just a simple product shot. I mean, any photographer can do this kind of thing. But to actually have them made with the nuts to show you, without even reading any of the copy, I know exactly what's in this bar and whether or not I'm interested in it. Very smart, and they have different variations of the same type of creative.

Overall, I'm really impressed with Perfect Bar. I'd like to take a look at their Google. But as far as Facebook goes, you guys are doing a really good job. Keep it up. Take a look at some of the stuff they've done, and a lot of the cute little creative ways that they're using their product to create fun, engaging, bright-colored creatives to capture attention and remind people that are fans of Perfect Bar how well they're doing, how good the product is, what's new. If you are a retail product and you're curious, "How do I spend money on the internet and have some sort of attribution to it," take a look at what Perfect Bar is doing and copy them.

Remember to actually spend money. You know, you need to spend the money to help get the ad delivered properly, let the algorithm work for you, but this is way you do it. You introduce new products, you get people's email address, you re-target to them. That's what you do. They're doing it, and well done Perfect Bar. Keep it up. I'm sure it's going well for you.

My name's Bobby Dietz. Thanks for watching this ad review, and we'll see you in the next one.

Perfect Bar Is Doing Everything Right

Bloomington City Council, June 15, 2022

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