
Narcissistic Abuse Recovery a Trigger To Helps Us Ascend Our Pasts

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Do you suffer from codependency? Have you been abused in childhood? Do you identify with being a truth seeker? Are you interested in your ascension process?

Codependency recovery is a process of ascension. We are being called to ascend out of our old programming, and to trust our paradigm shifts. A paradigm is nothing more than a system of beliefs. When you awaken to realize you are codependent it is like becoming aware you have been living in a dream like state unaware you were unaware. This can be a very painful time.

The ascension process requires us to shed our old programming, which allows us to begin living a new matrix. Within each of us, below our programming is the divine Self. The divine Self has its own energetic matrix that allows for us to live a more fifth dimensional reality, seeing ourselves, the world and others as non-solid. When we transcend the third dimension, we leave behind our old negative paradigms, and transcend our old energetic matrix's. And in spite of the pain we experience on this path to ascension, we discover the non dual nature of all that is.

Like learning to speak a new language, ascension and enlightenment are a process. The process of an evolution of consciousness is a process that takes place as the result of triggers. Perhaps it is pain that triggered your awakening, or a Youtube video, or a photo on Pinterest. Those of us who have come to be awakened, shall be-- through unique triggers we experience throughout our lifetimes.

On the linear plane it appears we are codependents, wounded and attracted to narcissists. On the energetic plane, we are spirits called forth to transcend the limitations of the human ego, for the purpose of DNA activation. The more DNA we activate, the more we transcend the ego, and are able to become deliberate creators who have learned to master the mind. We discover the light within, and become conduits of great love. As conduits we help create more peace on earth, and on a global level assist in the evolution of human consciousness in our own unique way.

We have been born for one purpose, and that is to discover that we were always enough. Within each of us is the DNA of a god, with the birthright to live in abundance, as the children OF god. Just as a good parents loves his/her child, and wishes that child only joy, so to is it for each of us.

Codependency healing, recovery from codependency, ascension, narcissistic abuse, adult children of alcoholics, healing from emotional abuse, what is codependency

Lisa A. Romano is a Breakthrough Life Coach who specializes in helping people heal their childhood programming. If you have been raised by alcoholics, narcissists, or if you are struggling with codependency, and have been attracting narcissists into your life these videos will help you unravel the dysfunctional beliefs that are holding you back.

To learn more about Lisa A. Romano and codependency

Narcissistic Abuse Recovery a Trigger To Helps Us Ascend Our Pasts

Codependency Recovery, Narcissistic Abuse Recovery/Connect to Higher Self/Lisa A Romano

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