
Suze Orman and Devin Miller: Creating the $400 Safety Net

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What happens when one of the most famous financial experts in the US teams up with a highly successful founder? They change the world.

Suze Orman, host of the Women & Money podcast and bestselling author, joins one of her co-founders Devin Miller, an entrepreneur and former COO of Guidant Financial, to talk SecureSave. This is the work benefit that provides emergency savings solutions to help employees prepare for life’s unexpected moments.

Nicole, Suze and Devin talk about what it feels like living paycheck to paycheck, why secure employees are more productive, and Suze’s mission to financially educate millions.

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To hear the full podcast episode: https://pod.link/1600731457


00:00 Introduction
02:24 When Health And Wealth Isn't a Given
12:47 The Suze Orman Factor
15:35 What Made 401K Plans Work? Automation
20:06 Going All In
25:25 Digging Deeper Into Finance
33:49 The Other Side to Celebrity Endorsement
38:38 Suze's Learnings
44:50 Devin's One Piece of Advice
47:14 Becoming The Change


Why You Must Have an Emergency Savings Fund

Every adult knows that life can throw unexpected challenges our way at any moment. These challenges range from minor inconveniences (like car trouble) to major catastrophes (like the loss of a job).

Unfortunately, most of us are ill-prepared for such curveballs when they strike. That’s because the majority of Americans have little to no emergency savings. A recent survey found that the average American would be unable to cover an unplanned bill costing $500 without selling personal assets or borrowing money.

Why Having an Emergency Fund Is So Important
There are many reasons why having an emergency fund is important. First, it can ease the financial burden of unexpected events. Second, it can improve your credit score. And third, it can help you stay on track with your long-term financial goals.

The Importance of an Emergency Savings Fund
Emergencies are unpredictable, and no one knows when they might happen. You probably can’t predict when a sudden need for cash will arise. But you can plan ahead for such emergencies by setting aside savings.

An emergency savings fund is an essential part of every person’s financial security plan. Without an emergency fund, you’re likely to turn to credit during times of financial distress. This can do significant damage to your finances. Credit cards are extremely expensive forms of financing. Credit card interest rates average around 16%, and late fees can damage your credit score.

Furthermore, credit cards are not the answer to financial emergencies. Unlike an emergency fund, credit cards do not provide you with immediate cash. You can’t pay your rent or a medical bill with a credit card. With an emergency fund, you’re prepared to meet life’s financial challenges without turning to credit.

Why are so Many Americans Without an Emergency Fund?
Why do so many Americans lack an emergency fund? The simplest explanation is that they don’t prioritize savings. However, the truth is a bit more complex. One reason for the rise in the number of Americans without emergency savings is the rise in the cost of living.

The cost of living has increased significantly in recent years.This has made it more difficult for millions of Americans to save money.

Unfortunately, many of these people became so wary of potential financial crises that they completely withdrew from the financial system.

How to Build an Emergency Fund
Building an emergency fund is easier said than done. If you’ve never had an emergency fund, getting one can be a challenge.

You can either save a certain amount of money each month, or you can save a certain amount of money each paycheck. If you do it the latter way, you’ll probably find it easier to reach your goal.

The best way to build an emergency fund is to set a realistic goal. You should aim to save 1 month’s worth of expenses. To do that, you’ll likely need to save 10-15% of your gross monthly income. You can start small and increase your savings as you progress.

Suze Orman and Devin Miller: Creating the $400 Safety Net

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