
What to Expect When You Approach a Woman (Beware of This!)

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The Flow: The easiest way to get laid or get a girlfriend.

Sometimes a guy will see a girl that he'd love to approach, but he then hesitates and doesn't do it because he doesn't really know what to expect.

For example:

- How will she react?
- What will others think?
- Will she behave as though he has just rudely interrupted her, or will people think he is a sleaze or weirdo who is harassing her?
- Will she seem shocked or afraid if he approaches her?
- Will she humiliate him in front of everyone?
- Will she call out for help from people around because she thinks he is trying to attack her, or is a sleaze?

As someone who has approached 1,000s of women (I explain those numbers in the video), I've made this video today to tell you 4 things to expect when approaching women.

Don't approach another woman until you've watched this entire video because there are some important things you need to be aware of, to avoid getting rejected or getting a bad reaction from women.

When you approach women in the way I teach, you will find that women are so much easier to attract and pick up than you ever imagined.

One of the reasons why is that almost ALL men are afraid to approach women they like, so when you approach, there's hardly any competition, if at all.

If you stop and look around in bars and clubs, you will see that most guys just LOOK at women and never do anything about it.

So, as long as you know how to attract women and move things forward (i.e. to a phone number, kiss, sex or date), you will begin enjoying your choice of women right away.

It was like that when I was approaching women (I picked up 100s) before I settled down and it is still like that to this day because most guys are still afraid of approaching.

In fact, from what I've personally seen in bars and clubs (when I've gone with my wife) and from what I've heard from friends and guys who've read The Flow, it's even easier these days because women are much more open to meeting guys in an organic way.

Most women are sick and tired of dating apps and want to be able to meet a guy in a more natural way.

So, if you are one of the rare guys who has the confidence to approach (you will get that by reading my eBook The Flow, or listening to the audiobook version) and you know how to attract women and move things forward to a phone number, kiss, date or sex (also taught in The Flow), you will laugh at how easy it is to pick up women.

Best of all, most guys will never learn this and will never get over their fear of approaching.

So, the opportunity for you is huge and it's available right now.

Learn it and do it and you will then enjoy your choice of women.

Enjoy the fun times ahead with women!

Dan Bacon
Founder, TheModernMan.com - Secrets to Success With Women

What to Expect When You Approach a Woman (Beware of This!)

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