
Plato's Dethronement: The Republic in the 21st Century

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In the latest episode of "Logos XXI: The Rise of the One", the 21st century remake of Plato's Republic is introduced, which will be shaped in the form of the Pythagorean tetractys based on a fusion of Heraclitean and Empedoclean thought.

No previous engagement with the series is necessarily required, however convenient.


Playlist containing all episodes:


Series Description:

Logos XXI is an epic didactic drama continuing the history of Western Thought with the return of the One.
In Level 1, God’s Joker presents David Donnerstein’s peace-offering:
a philosophical reaction to the pronunciation of the Final Solution to the Human Question which was triggered by the technologically-enframed Western Mind.
In Level 2, David Donnerstein declares the Final World War, before he joins his brother and propaganda minister on The One Podcast to announce his utopia and remake of Plato’s Republic.

While no background in philosophy is necessarily needed, the series draws as much on the works of Plato, Nietzsche, Jung or Wittgenstein as on the poetics of Dante, William Blake or Fernando Pessoa.
Form and content are further influenced by comics, rap and 21st century cinema (i.e. Tarantino).

The series is hierarchically ordered and will feature a total of eight levels.
Level 1 may be considered the optional background, the subterranean dimension, if you will, to the edifice which will be mapped out in Level 2 to then be raised in an exponentially increasing manner.

For individual clips of this episode, see:

Philosophy Revolution: Return of the Dead

Kingdom of God by David Donnerstein

Clips cited:

God-Formula (Geistformel): absolute logic

Joker destroys Scientific Worldview

The $1000 Elon Musk bet is real and can be watched as clip here:

The old TV commercials feature the VTech Socrates console from 1988.

Works referenced:

Plato’s Republic
Eric Havelock - Preface to Plato
Eric Havelock - The Muse learns to write
Walter J. Ong - Orality to Literacy
Descartes - Meditations
Nietzsche - Thus spake Zarathustra
Heidegger - Being and Time
Heidegger - The Question concerning Technology
Hegel - The Phenomenology of Mind
Wittgenstein - Tractatus Logicus
Dawkins - The Selfish Gene
Hawking - A brief History of Time

#philosophy #plato #logos

Music by:
- Serge Quadrado
- Circus Marcus
- Daniel Veesey
- Ondrosik
- Chad Crouch
- Podington Bear


Plato's Dethronement: The Republic in the 21st Century

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