
Dr Sadler's AMA (Ask Me Anything) Session - August 2021 - Underwritten By Patreon Supporters

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Underwritten by the support of my Patreon backers, I offer an Ask Me Anything session for supporters, viewers, listeners, readers, and other fans each month.

We do AMA sessions each month, and you can find them on the ReasonIO events calendar and on my Facebook author page. You'll want to get your questions in early since a lot of viewers typically have questions to ask. You don't need to ask the same question multiple times.

Most of the questions I answer have to deal with Philosophy, Political Theory, History, Literature, or Religious Studies, but some stray into other areas like Music or popular culture.

Keep the discussion civil - being a jerk to participants or to me might get you booted from the channel.

#AMA #AskMeAnything #Questions

Intro to Philosophy | Big Questions and Areas of Philosophy | Dr. Gregory B. Sadler

Aristotle, Politics book 1 | Speech, Reason, and Moral Values | Philosophy Core Concepts

Intro to Philosophy | Can Philosophy Be Defined? (Sure, But Not Really) | Dr. Gregory B. Sadler

Intro to Philosophy | Boundaries of Philosophy | Dr. Gregory B. Sadler

Immanuel Kant, Groundwork | Faculties of Reason, Understanding, and Sense | Philosophy Core Concepts

Basics of Stoic Philosophy and Practice Audio Course | Gregory Sadler | Check It Out on Listenable!

Intro To Philosophy | Philosophy As Discipline, Literature, Activity, Vocation | Gregory B. Sadler

Lawrence Kohlberg | Moral Development and Education | Philosophy Core Concepts

Half Hour Hegel: Phenomenology of Spirit (Reason, Self-Consciousness In Its Purity, sec. 298-301)

Plato's Republic book 10 | Poets, Knowledge, and Education | Philosophy Core Concepts

Virginia Held on Emotion vs. Reason (Feminist Transformations) - Philosophy Core Concepts

Pierre Hadot, Philosophy as Way of Life | Spiritual Exercises & Philosophy | Core Concepts

Aristotle, Metaphysics, book 1 - Introduction to Philosophy

David Hume, Treatise of Human Nature | Conflicts Between Reason and Passion | Core Concepts

Jeremy Bentham, Introduction | Principles Opposed to Utility | Philosophy Core Concepts

Plato's dialogue, the Apology - Introduction to Philosophy

Half Hour Hegel: Phenomenology of Spirit (Reason - Virtue and the Way of the World, sec. 381-382)

The Structure of GWF Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit Is Not Completely Linear | Philosophy Samples

Self Directed Study in Philosophy | Aristotle's Works and Thought | Sadler's Advice

Self Directed Study in Philosophy | G.W.F. Hegel's Philosophy | How To Study: Sadler's Advice

Blaise Pascal, Pensées | The Philosophers' God and the God of Faith | Philosophy Core Concepts

Cicero, On Duties, book 1 | On Nature and Reason | Philosophy Core Concepts

Rene Descartes, Meditation 1 | God, Causes, and Certainty | Philosophy Core Concepts

Aristotle, Metaphysics, bk. 1 | Metaphysics and the Four Causes | Philosophy Core Concepts

Rene Descartes, Discourse on Method, parts 1-3 - Introduction to Philosophy

Blaise Pascal, Pensées | The Intuitive Mind and the Mathematical Mind Philosophy Core Concepts

Epictetus, Discourses | Understanding and Addressing Anger | Philosophy Core Concepts

Martin Heidegger, Plato's Doctrine of Truth | Allegory of Cave, Education, and Truth | Core Concepts

Half Hour Hegel: The Complete Phenomenology of Spirit (Introduction, sec. 75-76)

James Rachels | Argument for and Implications of Cultural Relativism | Philosophy Core Concepts

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