
Controlling Cholesterol For Men Over 40 - Facts From Modern Medicine

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Controlling Cholesterol For Men Over 40 (0:01)

There are some very different views on cholesterol, even within the health and medical industries, so it’s no wonder it’s a confusing subject for most guys. Is it good for you or will it lead to diseases or even death? In this video, I explore the latest research from modern medicine to give you the best information on how to lower high cholesterol for men.

What Is Cholesterol And What Does It Do? (0:48)

Cholesterol is a fat, waxy-like substance produced by your liver. It is used for giving stability to the walls of your cells and for supporting your immune system. It is also a precursor to testosterone, so for guys like you and me, it’s incredibly important...essential even!

Cholesterol also helps to transport fats around your body and deliver them to the best place for the necessity at that time. Sometimes it’s transporting fats into your muscles, and other times it’s transporting them back to your liver.

What Is The Difference Between HDL And LDL? (2:33)

If you’ve had bloodwork done by your doctor, you may have seen that your cholesterol levels are separated into Total Cholesterol, HDL Cholesterol, and LDL Cholesterol. HDL stands for ‘High-Density Lipoprotein,’ and LDL stands for ‘Low-Density Lipoprotein.’ HDL is often referred to as ‘good’ and LDL referred to as ‘bad.’ This is not entirely the case.

Yes, if HDL levels are higher, then it protects us from heart attacks and the like. If LDL is higher, then we are predisposed as more likely to have a heart attack. However, the solution is not necessarily to reduce LDL cholesterol levels, but rather to mend damage inside your arteries, most often caused by inflammation.

How Do I Reduce Inflammation Inside My Body?

- Eliminate sugar (5:02)

There are added sugars in many food items that you would most likely deem healthy. For example, there is a donut rating for foods with added sugar and a pre-packaged smoothie has a donut rating of around 4 - 5, meaning they pack as much sugar as 4 or 5 donuts!!

- Eat high-quality fats (stay away from fried and processed foods) (6:03)

Processed foods, fried foods, and baked goods like pastries contain low-quality fats such as canola oil, vegetable oil, soy oil, and the like. These are the fats you should aim to avoid by making these types of food lowest on your list of foods to include in your diet.

- Stay active & reduce stress (8:55)

Taking regular activity helps with controlling cholesterol for men, by increasing HDL and lowering LDL levels. As I mentioned earlier, this is not the only solution, but by eliminating sugar and avoiding low-quality fats and a poor diet, this will further decrease inflammation.

Stress is another cause of inflammation and hormone imbalance, so reducing stress in your life should also be something on your list for a healthier lifestyle. Things like meditation, a gratitude practice, and journaling all help to reduce stress in your everyday life.

To learn more about this controversial topic, read our full article here: → https://www.fitfatherproject.com/controlling-cholesterol

If you feel your lifestyle could use an improvement, then check out our FF30X 30-Day Transformation Program at → https://www.fitfatherproject.com/youtube-ff30x-program
If you want to start putting on muscle TODAY, check out our Fit Father Old School Muscle Building Program at → https://www.fitfatherproject.com/youtube-osm-program

Your friends here at the FFP,

-Dr. Balduzzi + The Men's Health Experts @ The Fit Father Project

**Disclaimer: This information on how to reduce LDL cholesterol is for reference purposes ONLY and cannot replace personal information you can and should discuss with your Doctor. If you have any concerns about your health, you should see your Doctor immediately. Results vary by individual, so we do not guarantee you will get the same results as any shown here or on our website.

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