
Glute Bridge: How (and Why) You Might be Doing it WRONG...

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In this video I’m going to show you how to perform the glute bridge exercise, a classic workout to build stronger butt muscles - getting your glutes working hard.

We can use the glute bridge in building-up towards a single leg bridge. Working bilaterally with the glute bridge - both legs at once, we’re giving the body a more symmetrical load, which in my experience makes it easier for the runner to focus on activating their butt muscles, getting they glutes working properly throughout the exercise.


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SINGLE LEG BRIDGE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxolxwA-g4Q&list=PLrbwxlLsQTFOhc58jxAthgrPPHzXqCRBn

FREE GLUTE WORKOUTS DOWNLOAD: http://www.kinetic-revolution.com/single-leg-bridge-glute-exercise-for-runners/?utm_source=YouTube&utm_medium=yt_description_link&utm_campaign=glute_bridge_exercise_description_link


Stick around to the end of the video as I want to share one tip with you, that will save you from making the one big mistake I see people making all the time with this exercise, rendering it far less effective!

So let’s get you started lying on your back, with your heels close to your butt.

Up to a point, the closer you set your heels up towards your butt, the less likelihood there is that your hamstrings will take over in trying to achieve the hip extension required for the bridging movement.

From this point, engage your core muscles by drawing your belly-button inwards gently, and clench your butt - don’t forget to breathe!

You should feel that as you clench your butt muscles, you can push your heels down into the ground and lift your hips high into the air.

Depending on your programme, you can hold this top position momentarily before descending back to the start position with control, or you may want to add an isometric hold to the exercise, where you hold the top the movement for 5,10 or up to 30 seconds.

Which ever option you’re working on, make sure you remember to clench your butt muscles tight throughout.

As you perform this glute bridge exercise, it’s not uncommon to feel tightness in the front of the thighs as you get to the top of the movement. If you feel this strongly, it’s a sure sign that you probably need to focus on some mobility work for your quads and hip flexors.

I’ll leave a link in the description here on YouTube to a page on the kinetic revolution website where you can download our hip mobility and glute activation workouts guide.

Another thing to be aware of is to take care of your low back. I want you to be feeling the exercise in your glutes, the butt muscles… not the muscles of your low back. If you can feel them getting tight, it’s probably a sign that your overly extending (arching) though your low back.

If this sounds familiar - try not to push quite as high with your hips, and this should feel easier on the back.

Ok, so here’s the big mistake I see so many people make with a glute bridge - and it’s such a simple one…

When they begin to push their feet into the ground to lift the hips up, they push through the forefoot, rather than the heel.

Driving the heel solidly into the ground encourages you to engage your glutes and hamstrings more effectively through the movement, while shifting the weight forwards on your foot places more of an emphasis on your quads. We want this to be a glute exercise, hence the name.

So be sure to set-up with your weight in your heels, so that you can wiggle your toes throughout the movement.

Good luck with this one. If you have any questions, leave them in the comments here on YouTube and I’ll get back to you there.


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ABOUT ME: I'm a runner, sports rehabilitation specialist and coach based in the UK (Norwich and London).

Since 2007 I've been working with athletes focusing specifically on helping distance runners and triathletes overcome injury and improve performance through developing their individual running technique.

Running biomechanics has become a geeky little passion of mine!

WEBSITE: http://kinetic-revolution.com

FREE 30 DAY CHALLENGE: http://kinetic-revolution.com/30daychallenge/?sc=YT

KNEE REHAB PROGRAMME (LIMITED DISCOUNT): http://www.kinetic-revolution.com/stronger-hips-for-pain-free-knees/?vtid=ytd

RUNNING TECHNIQUE COURSE (LIMITED DISCOUNT): http://www.kinetic-revolution.com/running-technique-programme-v2-0/?vtid=ytd


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