
TV9 Gujarat - Zen Archery, a new art of aiming.mp4

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Kyudo, which literally means The Way of the Bow, is considered by many to be the purest of all the martial ways.Its practice peels away the protective layers of ego that we all hide behind and allows our true nature to be revealed.

In the past, the Japanese bow was used for hunting, war, court ceremonies, games, and contests of skill. Modern Kyudo is practiced primarily as a method of physical, moral, and spiritual development. Kyudo is such a rewarding instrument for self-discovery.

Perhaps the best way to explain the spirit of kyudo is to put it in Onuma sensei's words: "When shooting, sometimes we will hit the target but miss the self. At other times we will miss the target but hit the self. Our purpose, though, is to hit the target as the self and hope that the sharp sound of arrow penetrating paper will awaken us from the so-called 'dream of life' and give us real insight into the ultimate state of being."

Come and experience the magic of Self-Discovery through this Meditative Zen Archery Technique in a specialized DOJO (Training Facility for Shooting Arrows).

Course Duration : Minimum : 2 Hours

Maximum: 3 Days or More

Visit www.lovingworld.in for more details.

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