
How to Keep The World in Perspective Like Marcus Aurelius | Ryan Holiday | Daily Stoic Meditations

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The world can sometimes seem totally chaotic and depressing, but this isn't new. Ryan Holiday discusses Marcus Aurelius' Meditations on how to keep the world in perspective.

Daily Stoic is a community built around the teachings of Stoicism. If you're wondering "What does Stoicism mean?", "Who was Marcus Aurelius?", "How to be a stoic?" or "How to practice stoicism in daily life?" check out the Daily Stoic:


Stoicism is a practical philosophy. It’s built for action, not endless debate. The main thinkers that the Daily Stoic focuses on in stoicism are Marcus Aurelius, Epictetus, and Seneca. The Daily Stoic is a guide to how to practice stoicism in your daily life, the daily routines of stoicism, and is a practical guide to stoicism. This channel is stoicism 101, it will tell you what stoicism is and how to be a stoic. Ryan Holiday has been practicing stoicism and writing about stoicism for more than a decade and his insights will give you guidance to practicing stoicism in your day to day life.


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Ryan Holiday has influenced the modern stoicism movement greatly. His books are read by modern stoicism's practitioners like Tim Ferriss, Robert Greene, Gary Vee, Andrew Kirby, and others.

#Stoicism #DailyStoic #RyanHoliday #MementoMori #AmorFati #MarcusAurelius #StoicDaily #DailyRoutine #Improvement #Happiness #philosophy #Seneca

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