
TEDxBroadStreetNY - Liza Donnelly - The New Yorker Cartoon

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In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx

TEDxBroadStreetNY- Jennifer Wilkov - I Survived Prison

TEDxBroadStreetNY - Wendi Wasik - Woman: Youth and Wisdom at Any Age

TEDxBroadStreetNY - Will Corrente - The Rewards of Failure

TEDxBroadStreetNY - Melanie Stiassny - Learning from Ancient Fish

TEDxBroadStreetNY- Jacqueline Langholtz - Mapping Manhattan

TEDxBroadStreetNY - Laura Silver - The History of The Knish

TEDxBroadStreetNY - Marjorie Wilkov - How the Duchess Made History with Tea

TEDxBroadStreetNY - Michelle Mattia Melis - The Day the World Stopped Turning

TEDxBroadStreetNY - Malcolm Arnold - Apprenticeship and Technology

TEDxBroadStreetNY - Marie Eusebe - Haitian History in Spoken Word

TEDxBroadStreetNY - Liza Donnelly - The New Yorker Cartoon

TEDx Drives Economic Improvement | Tim Mask | TEDxWindham

Cultivating Hope in Haiti | Hugues Bastien | TEDxUniversityofAkron

Transformation of wastes to resources in Haiti | Sasha Kramer | TEDxTraverseCity

Data-driven compassion: what Haiti, Somalia and Ebola teach us | Rajiv Shah | TEDxPennsylvaniaAvenue

Harmony through humor | Liza Donnelly | TEDxBayArea

Finding Yiddish: Melanie Weiss at TEDxColbyCollege

TEDxGrassValley - Olivia Lawrence-Weilmann - Anatomy of a Bomb Threat

Confronted by Truth in Haiti | Jesse Baker | TEDxUCIrvine

Working toward redemption | Heather Lavelle | TEDxMuncyStatePrison

Breaking the cycle of failure in Haitian foreign aid: David Walton at TEDxBeaconStreet

Youth Harnessing Religion for Peace (&How They Helped Me Heal) | Matthew Loper | TEDxPiscataquaRiver

The Essence of Computation | Jay McCarthy | TEDxYouth@GDRHS

$23,000 and a Trip to Haiti | Rachna Deshpande | TEDxYouth@Conejo

Mapping the Heart of A City: Becky Cooper at TEDxWilliamsburg

Rebranding Haiti | Steph Price | TEDxGreatHillsWomen

Color Blind | Jon O'Connor | TEDxYouth@GDRHS

Haiti -- the graveyard of good intentions: Bertrhude Albert & Priscilla Zelaya at TEDxUF

Painting is a universal language | Ploy Pipatpongsa | TEDxYouth@WHS

Scent, an Investigation | Mackenzie Donovan | TEDxKeene

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