
For Weight Loss CARBS is most Important | By Dr. Bimal Chhajer | Saaol

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Carbohydrates — fiber, starches, and sugars — are essential food nutrients that your body turns into glucose to give you the energy to function. Complex carbs in fruits, vegetables, and whole-grain products are less likely to spike blood sugar than simple carbs (sugars). Low-carb diets like keto can be high in fats

Saaol is a non-profit organization focused on providing non-invasive cardiac care to patients all across the world.
Dr. Bimal Chhajer (MBBS, MD) is a pioneer in the field of non-invasive cardiology. He is a lifestyle and heart care expert and is passionate to create awareness regarding heart care by appropriate nutrition and lifestyle modifications.

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For Weight Loss CARBS is most Important | By Dr. Bimal Chhajer | Saaol

Lose upto 10kg in a month (NO DIETING NO GYM) | बस ये छोड़ दो फिर देखो वज़न तेज़ी से घटेगा | SAAOL

Is Keto Diet healthy for Heart? | By Dr. Bimal Chhajer | SAAOL

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Soya chunks - The best protein source for heart patients | By Dr. Bimal Chhajer | SAAOL

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NATURAL PROTEIN SATTU ! | By Dr. Bimal Chhajer | Saaol

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जानिए मिर्च के बारे में | Everything you need to know about chilies | Dr Bimal Chhajer | SAAOL

Sabudana Benefits साबूदाना खाने से मिलते हैं ये 6 जबरदस्त फायदे आज से ही डाइट में करें शामिल | SAAOL

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Health Benifits of sabudana/Sagodana | sagodana/sabudana k faide in Urdu/Hindi

The SECRET of Healthy Life | Weight loss | Balanced Diet | Exercise | Cooking Oil | Mental Health

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