
Assertive Communication Skills - Overview

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Honest communication takes courage. This DVD is a fresh take on solving communication problems, from overcoming your own specific obstacles to developing useful habits and scripts to ensure your messages are clear. In a stimulating 90-minute program, you’ll gain a lifetime of insight into why communication breaks down and doesn’t provide the desired reaction or results, and you’ll learn simple, solid steps that’ll spare you from interpersonal interactions that turn into emotional battlegrounds. Some of the important teaching points:

Changing bad habits and acknowledging the potential consequences
How emotions affect communication
The characteristics of different communication styles (including some not-so-common ones)
Proven assertive communication techniques designed to help you stay calm and focused while still being able to get your point across

What set’s this DVD program apart? The skills go beyond typical "how-to" tips, into truly understanding the psychology of communication and how to use it to your advantage. You’ll never again wonder if your message was received as intended, and you’ll see real results with less struggle and frustration.

Program Guide:

Module 1: Three "V’s" of Communication
Module 2: Aggressive vs. Passive
Module 3: Passive, Passive-Aggressive and Lesser-known Styles
Module 4: Assertive Techniques

One 90-minute DVD-ROM containing viewer’s guide and assessment in PDF format.

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