
Eckhart Tolle on the Tao Teh Ching (origin of the Yin-Yang symbol of Tai-Chi)

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KP Kev the Poet - I first discovered the Tao Teh Ching when I was 12, I was intrigued by the yin-yang symbol and wanted to know where it originated. I was a bit of an odd chld. It resonated with me immediately, and it continues to resonate. "The Tao that can be named or described is not the Tao."

Chapter 1

The Providence which could be indicated by words would not be an all-embracing Providence, nor would any name by which we could name it be an ever-applicable name.

"Non-existence" is a name for the beginning of heaven and earth. "Existence" is a name for the genetrix of the innumerable objects of creation.

Hence, "absolute non-existence" suggests to us the miraculous working of what in "absolute existence" has become the resulting essence.

These two emanate from the same, though their namings are dissimilar, and jointly they are termed "state of colourless dissolution." Dissolution, again, within dissolution this connects us with the various miraculous workings.

Translated by E.H. Parker (1903)

Chapter 23

To talk little is natural.
High winds do not last all morning.
Heavy rain does not last all day.
Why is this? Heaven and earth!
If heaven and earth cannot make things eternal,
How is it possible for man?

He who follows the Tao
Is at one with the Tao.
He who is virtuous
Experiences Virtue.
He who loses the way
Feels lost.
When you are at one with the Tao,
The Tao welcomes you.
When you are at one with Virtue,
The Virtue is always there.
When you are at one with loss,
The loss is experienced willingly.

He who does not trust enough
Will not be trusted.

Remember it's all perception, don't get attached to perceptions, stay in the now and flow to the tao. It's all about balance except when it's not. Be love, why not?

An inspiration for KP Kev the Poet, hear the music this inspires at http://www.kpkevthepoet.bandcamp.com

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