
Learning theory (education) | Wikipedia audio article

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00:01:49 1 Educational philosophy
00:01:59 1.1 Classical theorists
00:02:08 1.1.1 Plato
00:03:42 1.1.2 Locke
00:04:46 2 Educational psychology
00:04:56 2.1 Behavior analysis
00:06:22 2.1.1 Learning and conditioning
00:08:38 2.1.2 Transfer of learning
00:12:12 2.1.3 Techniques and benefits of transfer of learning
00:14:38 2.2 Cognitivism
00:14:47 2.2.1 Gestalt theory
00:18:03 2.2.2 Other cognitive theories
00:20:38 2.3 Constructivism
00:23:11 2.4 Transformative learning theory
00:24:40 3 Educational neuroscience
00:26:54 3.1 Formal and mental discipline
00:28:56 4 Multiple intelligences
00:29:36 5 Multimedia learning
00:30:46 5.1 Using online games for learning
00:32:07 6 Other learning theories
00:32:50 6.1 Learning style theories
00:33:23 6.2 Informal and post-modern theories
00:34:43 7 Educational anthropology
00:34:53 7.1 Philosophical anthropology
00:37:17 8 Criticism
00:37:43 9 See also

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"I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think."
- Socrates

Learning theories are conceptual frameworks that describe how students absorb, process, and retain knowledge during learning. Cognitive, emotional, and environmental influences, as well as prior experience, all play a part in how understanding, or a world view, is acquired or changed and knowledge and skills retained.Behaviorists look at learning as an aspect of conditioning and advocate a system of rewards and targets in education. Educators who embrace cognitive theory believe that the definition of learning as a change in behavior is too narrow, and study the learner rather than their environment—and in particular the complexities of human memory. Those who advocate constructivism believe that a learner's ability to learn relies largely on what they already know and understand, and the acquisition of knowledge should be an individually tailored process of construction. Transformative learning theory focuses on the often-necessary change required in a learner's preconceptions and world view. Geographical learning theory focuses on the ways that contexts and environments shape the learning process.
Outside the realm of educational psychology, techniques to directly observe the functioning of the brain during the learning process, such as event-related potential and functional magnetic resonance imaging, are used in educational neuroscience. The theory of multiple intelligences, where learning is seen as the interaction between dozens of different functional areas in the brain each with their own individual strengths and weaknesses in any particular human learner, has also been proposed, but empirical research has found the theory to be unsupported by evidence.

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