
What men find beautiful in a woman - 7 traits

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What men find beautiful in a woman - 7 traits

Do You Want To Know What Men Find Beautiful In A Woman?

Beauty is - as they say - in the eyes of the beholder...

HOWEVER - Men behold in very similar ways. We're fairly consistent in what we find beautiful in a woman.

This is good for you in some ways because it allows you to not have to worry what different guys are looking for. Sure, we have some things that vary, but by and large most of what a man wants in a woman is easy to outline.

And that's what we're going to do here today!

So let's start with a very brief definition of "beautiful woman" - at least as men see it:

Beauty is appearance - meaning that you don't have to win the genetic lottery, but you want to maximize your appearance. Your clothes, makeup, and style...

Beauty is your "vibe" - where you feel like a cool, fun person to hang out with...

Beauty is your inner goodness - where we can sense that you have a big heart and a loving way about you...

Keep in mind that men may have different "tastes" in women, but those differences go right out the window when we find a woman that "does it" for us.

In other words, you don't care if a guy says he's into blondes and you're a brunette. (That "blonde" thing is WAY overrated, btw.)

If you've got a pulse, and you know my strategies, it doesn't matter what a man SAYS his "type" is. When we meet a woman that wows us, we'll make up a thousand-and-one excuses as to why we're dating you.

We all do that - it's called "confabulation." It's how women justify buying $300 pairs of shoes, and men justify 90 inch flat screen televisions.

It's called RATIONALIZATION - and we ALL do it!

Do guys prefer blondes?

Not really. Just some guys.

Does it matter if you have brown eyes instead of blue?


Your ATTITUDE overrides 90% of all physical attributes.

So with that in mind - I'm not going to tell you what shade of lipstick or clothes to wear. That's the kind of thinking that got you into this mess.

Right now you need to hear what men find beautiful in a woman - the stuff no man (except me) would tell you!

What He Finds Beautiful - #1: Mature Appearance

Thankfully, there are a lot of studies performed on what each gender finds attractive in the other. We're always interested in finding out more about what the opposite gender wants from us.

One discovery was that men prefer women who "dress mature."

This doesn't mean you want to make yourself look like an old politician or anything. What the results say are that men like women that look like they've evolved beyond their teenage dress-up years. 

This means that the "dress like you're partying in Vegas" crowd is really missing it when it comes to how to attract men. Guys only like women to dressy "sl*tty" when they're thinking kinda sl*tty.

Otherwise, he wants a woman that is confident enough to dress like an adult.

What Men Find Beautiful - #2: Chuckles

If you were to ask a woman what she finds attractive in a guy, a sense of humor usually is right up there, right next to "confidence." This is no surprise, I'm sure.

But something you might not know is that it's also one of the top traits on a man's list, too.

Why is this?

Well try these on -

A sense of humor shows a relaxed approach to life. If you're able to joke and have fun, that shows you're not going to be a structured, dull person...

You're a survivor - Evolutionary psychologists believe that the relaxed attitude indicated by humor also shows that you have more flexibility and capability to survive in the world. I'd have to agree with this one based on my own experience...

You're probably fun to hang out with. If you've got a sense of humor, you're going to be more fun to just chill with. It means you won't be so SERIOUS about everything that you can't have a bit of fun...

But what turns out to be even MORE important than your own sense of humor is your capacity to appreciate HIS humor.

That's right, even more important than how funny you are is how funny you think HE is. If you appreciate his sense of humor, he's going to find you a LOT more interesting and attractive.

Which should tell you something about why you may click with certain guys more than others.

This Is Beauty - #3: Risky Business

Again, here's a trait that women find attractive in men as well, only in a slightly different flavor.

Men are just plain attracted to women who have a ...

Want the rest? Watch the video!

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Carlos Cavallo
Dating Advice Guru
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