
FODMAPS: 11 “Healthy” Foods That Cause Belly Bloat

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Inside this short fat loss video, I'm going to talk about 11 healthy foods that cause bloating.

If you ever experience bloating or belly bloat and you're wondering why it's happening, even if you're eating healthy, there are certain healthy foods called FODMAPS-- F-O-D-M-A-P-S. And if you experiment with eliminating some of these healthy foods from your diet, it could potentially help you eliminate belly bloat.

So I'm going to talk about these 11 healthy foods, tell you what they are and why that could potentially cause bloating in a large percentage of the population.

FODMAPS are basically indigestible short-chain carbohydrates. So what ends up happening is, because they're difficult to digest for some people, it can cause gastric distress and bloating.

And 11 of these foods are beans, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, onions, wheat, artichokes, pears, apples, garlic, and even watermelon can even cause severe bloating.

Obviously, when I told Karen, my wife, about all these foods, she blurted out, I eat almost every one of these foods except the wheat! Because she's often complaining of bloating because of her age. She's 56 years old. So I told her to start experimenting with just removing one, two, or three of these foods at a time and see if it makes a difference. So that's the best way to do it, is through an elimination process.

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