
Why Are Minerals Essential

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Why Are Minerals Essential?

Science has proven we do need vitamins and minerals. They are essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. They are essential because our body cannot make minerals. So we must get minerals from the food we eat. We now know that minerals should come from food whenever possible because an important aspect of mineral nutrition is that each nutrient MUST be in balance with the others.

The level of each mineral in the body has an effect on every other, so if one is out of balance, all mineral levels are affected. For example, too great an intake of copper can depress zinc levels, resulting in zinc deficiency and potential copper toxicity. With minerals, especially trace minerals, it's definitely NOT true that if a little is good, then a lot must be better.

Seaweed offers the very best source of minerals for your body! Minerals from sea veggies are easy to absorb because they are bonded to, or chelated with, the same amino acids to which they were originally assigned. Man hasn't yet been able to recreate the perfect balance that nature has to offer.
The wide spectrum of macro and rare trace minerals found in Body Balance fits the criteria of what our bodies need, perfectly.

Maintaining optimal health despite the mineral poor food we normally consume is now easy with Body Balance. One drink, once a day, and you're done. Body Balance is a whole-food, liquid mineral supplement, formulated with SeaNine™ a proprietary blend of nine wild, sustain-ably harvested sea vegetables and certified organically grown and processed Aloe vera. It is designed to be a daily foundational support for increased energy and overall well being !

Find out more at........

The Best Trace Mineral Supplement

vitamins and minerals nutrition

Why Are Minerals Essential

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