
The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick v1 & 2 [1/3] (Gregory Maupin)

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The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick v1 & 2 [1/3]
Read by Gregory Maupin
These collections were first published in 1987
Audio originally issued by NLS in 2016
It's Philip K. Dick week! I'll be uploading stuff for the next 7 days. We are starting the week out with his short story collections. Some of Dick's best writing is in his short stories.
"The first two volumes in a series gathering all of award-winning science fiction author Philip K. Dick's short stories. Volume one, consisting of twenty-five stories, includes "Beyond Lies the Wub." Volume two contains twenty-seven stories, including "We Can Remember It for You Wholesale""
Part 2 here: https://youtu.be/i5vJKsdk0BA
Part 3 here: https://youtu.be/0YHOFTRstq0
Story list:
00:00:00 - (i) Book info
00:04:25 - (01) Preface
00:09:11 - (02) Foreword
00:15:01 - (03) Introduction Vol 01
00:24:44 - (04) Stability
00:52:17 - (05) Roog
01:02:19 - (06) The Little Movement
01:19:54 - (07) Beyond Lies the Wub
01:35:53 - (08) The Gun
02:03:11 - (09) The Skull
02:48:12 - (10) The Defenders
03:36:53 - (11) Mr. Spaceship
04:38:10 - (12) Piper in the Woods
05:21:42 - (13) The Infinites
06:09:46 - (14) The Preserving Machine
06:30:27 - (15) Expendable
06:42:18 - (16) The Variable Man
09:14:47 - (17) The Indefatigable Frog
09:34:16 - (18) The Crystal Crypt
10:14:24 - (19) The Short Happy Life of the Brown Oxford

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These books come from the National Library Services.
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The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick v1 & 2 [1/3] (Gregory Maupin)

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