
Introducing the Positive Choices drug education portal

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See the transcript below:

Positive Choices is an online drug education portal for school communities because providing young people with accurate, up-to-date information and support is the best way to reduce harm from drug use.

With input from teachers, parents and students across Australia we have compiled engaging resources that link to the Australian curriculum and proven to give student wellbeing a boost.

Subscribe now to get involved. Get the facts, and help students stay smart and stay safe with Positive Choices.


Positive Choices is funded by the Australian Government Department of Health, and is being developed by the Centre of Research Excellence in Mental Health and Substance Use at the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, UNSW, and the National Drug Research Institute at Curtin University.

Go to www.positivechoices.org.au

Using Positive Choices to plan and deliver effective drug education

Introducing the Positive Choices drug education portal

Drug and alcohol use among young people: what can parents and schools do to prevent the harms?

Positive Choices - Overview of Prevention Programs & Resources. Session Two

Q&A: Let's talk about the alcohol consumption of Australian youth

Effective drug prevention for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth

Culturally-inclusive alcohol and drug prevention for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth

How can teachers and parents respond to the challenge of ‘legal highs’?

Understanding stigma: creating a safe, supportive environment for Australian young people

Mental Health Promotion and Wellbeing Award - Positive Choices

Co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders: How do they affect young people?

How can teachers and parents respond to the challenge of ‘legal highs’

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Webinar Drug Education in Schools

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Jenna Lee, Gilimbaa: Positive Choices artwork video

E-Cigarettes and Vaping- What you need to know

Parenting, teens, and alcohol

Where can I find trusted evidence-based information about the drug ice?

Sexual Health, Mental Health, Drug & Alcohol

Preventure: A brief, personality-targeted wellbeing program for secondary school students

How do co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders affect young people?

How social media influences the mental & behavioral health of children age 13 to 17

Anxiety and drinking – How to support anxious teens and prevent the anxiety-alcohol cycle

What is Primary Prevention - What does effective prevention look like. Session One

Peer influences on substance use and mental health during adolescence

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Health4life: Promoting healthy lifestyles among adolescents

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