
How not to be shy | Tips to overcome shyness

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Overcome shyness - Cure Social anxiety

How to stop being shy and quiet using these 5 tips to overcome shyness. With Practical Inspiration, follow these strategies and learn how to overcome shyness and become more confident in life. Self consciousness can be a major factor and a cause of a lack of self confidence. But, if you don’t start talking to people, you will never stop being shy and awkward. It’s important to practice talking more openly with friends, family and even complete strangers.

This sounds scary at first, but if you want to overcome shyness and social anxiety, you need to put yourself around people. You will get used to it. So give yourself a chance and start saying yes to invitations. This will allow you to be around people and socialize with others who share your interests.

Taking care of yourself can totally boost your confidence! Even just small things, like: showering, flossing your teeth and keeping your nails trimmed can make a big difference in how you feel about yourself. In addition, to gain confidence and self esteem, find something you enjoy and know you are good at. Knowing that you possess some unique quality will help you accept yourself - wholeheartedly.

By practicing the self confidence tips on this list every day, you can slowly overcome shyness and become more confident, until you can publicly display who you are - without fear of being judged.

Also, consider checking out more on Practical Inspiration here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzBz...​

A summary of the content in this video:

1. Explore Why You're Shy
- Understanding why you might feel shy in certain circumstances can help you find the root of the issue and contemplate how to resolve the problem
- For many, it can be related to their upbringing or an experience that they had when young which lead them to feeling the way they do
- For example, a moment where they felt publicly humiliated which they naturally wanted to avoid reoccurring and thus became a little more defensive when speaking to others
- By understanding your shyness, you can start to look into taking steps to help you resolve it, which won't be easy, but is possible

2. List Down Situations That Cause Shyness
- One of the most effective ways to overcome shyness is to list out situations that often cause you to feel this way
- As you list these, consider where the situation took place and how you can work to recreate similar scenarios, for example to meet people
- From here take steps to prepare yourself to overcome your shyness in these situations, such as saying affirmations, visualizing success and preparing conversations in advance
- From here, go through the list and experience circumstances that make you feel shy, focusing on meeting people and pushing yourself out of your comfort zone and speaking to them

3. Make Eye Contact and Smile
- Two reasons we feel shy is we feel uncomfortable speaking to another person and so lack confidence when speaking to them
- Often the best way to combat such insecurities is to take action that's contradictory to how you behave when shy, as this pushes you to experience such feelings
- So push yourself to make eye contact and smile, it's not easy, but it's often a quick and effective way to start feeling more confident
- Smiling in particular will also send signals automatically to the brain that you're feeling comfortable, reducing the apprehension you feel

4. Reward Yourself
- When you successfully overcome a moment of shyness and speak to someone in a confident and positive way, make sure to reward yourself
- This will encourage your positive behaviour and keep you motivated to continue on with progressing to overcome shyness altogether
- You also need to reward yourself because put simply, you've earned it. Overcoming shyness isn't easy and so it's fair to take pride in your achievement
- This will help your progress towards overcoming shyness, helping you be maintain focus and purpose when pushing yourself out of your comfort zone

5. Be Patient
- Overcoming shyness isn't easy and many of the tips we suggest are about overriding feelings to push yourself beyond your comfort zone
- You can use techniques, such as Mel Robbins' 5 Second Rule to help you do this...
- ...but whatever you choose, make sure to stay patient, as it won't always be a smooth or easy ride
- but it will be a worthwhile one, as the world will get to see just how amazing you are


// Subscribe for more content on Practical Inspiration: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzBz...​


Music provided by HearWeGo
Artist: RTIK
Title: Alone With You
Listen on YouTube: https://youtu.be/XXrr1v94M0w

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