
Emei Arhat fist | 峨眉罗汉拳:外修近身短打,内习武德之仁

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Emei Arhat fist is an ancient Chinese fist technique dating back to the Jin Dynasty (266-420). A monk traveling to Mount Emei in southwest China's Sichuan Province and resident monks created this martial arts style together. Influenced by the local mountainous terrain, most of the 108 moves of Emei Arhat fist are for melee fight. Using the strong and powerful fist, one can fight beasts in the forest and stand out in fierce battles. It has been a superior method of attack since ancient days, and a very practical exercise method in modern times. For 800 years, Arhat fist has been passed down by 13 generations in the region. #Chinakungfu #十三亿分之一

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Emei Arhat fist | 峨眉罗汉拳:外修近身短打,内习武德之仁

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