
The way I grew up: Post-Modern identities | Bea Fields | TEDxBGSU

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Identity is more than an idea: it's a language. Through the heart-breaking but hilarious retelling of their childhood, Bea breaks down the concepts of post-modern identities. Bea Fields (They/She pronouns) in Maumee, Ohio. A daughter of mixed parentage, she has seen her fair share of discriminatory and micro-aggressive acts in her life. However, she has also been a witness to love, forgiveness and the cultural splendor of both her mother’s and father’s homelands. Bea has dedicated their time to focus on sociology and, more specifically, the emerging social values placed on personal identity and space. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx

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