
A Conversation with Donald Robertson About Stoicism, Psychotherapy, & Practices | Ideas That Matter

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This is a video in my new series of 1-on-1 interviews, conducted with people who - in my view - are doing interesting work with ideas that matter, often (though not exclusively) from the field of philosophy.

In this one, I have a Zoom conversation with Donald Robertson, who has a number of notable achievements, the latest of which is the successful founding of the new Plato's Academy Center in Athens. He is also the author of a number of books dealing with psychotherapy and Stoicism, and has been leading workshops and classes for decades.

Our discussion focuses primarily on properly understanding, teaching, and using Stoic practices, such as the View From Above or Negative Visualization. Not all practices are useful or advisable for every person, and we explore what conditions and qualifications need to be placed on which practices. Donald approaches these matters drawing upon his decades of experience working with clients and groups as a CBT psychotherapist

We also go into Donald's own backstory and motivations, the development of the Modern Stoicism organization, why evidence-based psychotherapy should be prioritized, misunderstandings of Stoicism and of masculinity pushed by guru-types like Jordan Peterson and Andrew Tate, and a number of other topics.

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If you're interested in philosophy tutorial sessions with me, click here: https://reasonio.wordpress.com/tutorials/

My videos are used by students, lifelong learners, other professors, and professionals to learn more about topics, texts, and thinkers in philosophy, religious studies, literature, social-political theory, critical thinking, and communications. These include college and university classes, British A-levels preparation, and Indian civil service (IAS) examination preparation

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#interview #philosophy #Psychotherapy #PersonalDevelopment #Emotions #Stoicism #Practices #Psychology #ViewFromAbove #NegativeVisualization

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