
Key Sales and Marketing Strategy: Don't Give Away Your Whole Story

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Key Sales and Marketing Strategy: Don't Give Away Your Whole Story
Headlines are more than news blurbs: they're a powerful sales and marketing strategy. Discover how to get more customers, increase sales and how to make more money - by leaving your audience curious, intrigued and wanting more.

Ann Convery, executive coach, offers proven programs including her "Speak Your Business in 30 Seconds or Less™", products and executive coaching. This program shows you how to market yourself, improve your decision making process, get more customers, make more sales and how to make more money.

Ann Convery is an international speaker, seminar leader, trainer and author. Her list of clients reads like a "Who's Who" of top professionals in the fields of politics, medicine, law, business, health and beauty.

For 17 years she has prepared clients for CNN, 60 Minutes, Oprah, New York Times, Time Magazine, People, Vogue and many more.

Ann's extensive background in media training led her to create her popular program, "Speak Your Business in 30 Seconds or Less™". This radically different approach to marketing has enabled Ann's clients to get more customers and increase sales to generate up to thousands of dollars in business, sometimes within weeks.

Ann also teaches professionals how to improve their elevator pitch, negotiating skills, sales and marketing strategy and tactics. She is sought after by sales managers because her sales training and techniques have delivered amazing results. Some clients have earned millions with just one project and they give the credit to Ann Convery and her proven sales and marketing techniques.

Ann has been interviewed by The Los Angeles Times, Cosmopolitan, First for Women, Presentations Magazine, and many other media. Ann is a highly sought after international speaker. Clients call her from all over the U.S., Europe, the U.K., Canada, Mexico and Australia.

Ann has delivered over 125 speeches and sales training for corporate and private groups in Barcelona, Madrid, Mexico City, New York, Chicago, Seattle, and California.

Ann shows you how to market yourself, improve your decision making process, increase sales and how to make more money. You can get more information at http://www.AnnConvery.com.

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