
Codependency and Narcissistic Abuse Coaching Program-Healing in 12 Weeks

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Codependency and Narcissistic Abuse Coaching Program - Healing in 12 Weeks
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narcissistic abuse life coach,

life coach for codependency and narcissism,

narcissistic abuse recovery

healing from narcissistic abuse,

Hi Dear Ones,

I wanted to share this video with you to help explain a little bit more about who I am, (for those who might not know) and why I created this Breakthrough Coaching Program.

If you have been wishing for the right help, well--here it is.

I created the type of program that I wish I had when I was going through my codependency and narcissistic abuse recovery. I have blended all facets of healing, mind, body and soul/energy body, into this program.

Once you commit to this program, you also commit to your Self. Each week you will receive a brand new video, pdf and meditation. Each meditation reinforces the lessons you see, and read. This helps increase your brains chances of absorbing this new healthy data.

I am not interested in helping you feel good for an hour. I want you to be completely healed, mind--body--sou/energy body. I want you to become the lightbody you were born to be, and to learn how to care more about how YOU feel about you--than how you feel other people feel about you.

I want you able to find and hold compassion for the self, love the self, and to learn how to unconditionally accept the self--so you can be freed of worrying about people pleasing others...

I want you to understand that none of the abuse you suffered was your fault.

I want to teach you how to successfully reprogram your mind, AND become the deliberate creator of your own deserved and desired reality!

I want you to have it ALL!

If you believe you suffer from codependency issues, narcissistic abuse, and or have been raised by narcissistic parents this channel is for you. Whether you come from a dry home (non alcoholic-emotionally-verbally-psychologically-physically-sexually abusive home) or an alcoholic/drug addicted home, you may suffer from codependency programming.

I am not a licensed psychologist--and I am glad I am not. I am glad I am not because I am not certain my own opinions would not have been indoctrinated OUT OF ME.

The fact that we live in a society--and exist under this umbrella called 'Psychology'--and most of us when we enter into therapy are not asked about 'how we felt about our parents--or how we felt our parents felt about us' growing up is a huge problem! In addition, we are a world FULL of adult children of alcoholics--self absorbed--codependent parents--and yet--we are routinely treated for the way we feel, rather than addressing WHY we feel the way we feel.

What will help us all, is when we learn about how our childhood--and our brainwave states impacted our impressionable subconscious minds. Why? Because what you learned about your Self between the ages of 0-8 has become your psychological set point; how you see your Self and the world. Why? Because children are hypnotic brainwave states during this time of their life.

If you were not loved unconditionally--you have been downloaded to believe you are not worthy of love. For the rest of your life, you may seek outside validation to fill that void--AND in the process attract narcissists who NEED to be sought after--taken care of--and praised.

It is my hope that this channel opens your eyes to the divine YOU that lays in waiting--until you wake up and realize--its not you--its your programming. (copyright Lisa A. Romano 2015)

Lisa A. Romano is a Breakthrough Life Coach who specializes in helping people heal their childhood programming. If you have been raised by alcoholics, narcissists, or if you are struggling with codependency, and have been attracting narcissists into your life these videos will help you unravel the dysfunctional beliefs that are holding you back.

This channel speaks to those interested in "codependent counseling", "codependent therapists", "codependent no more", question "What is codependency?", "narcissistic abuse survivors", "codependency issues", and "codependent recovery".

read Lisas books

The Road Back To Me
My Road Beyond The Codependent Divorce
Loving The Self Affirmations-Healing Unconscious Codependent Belief Systems
Quantum Tools To Help You Heal Your Life Now
Loving The Self Affirmations-Healing Childhood Brainwashing

For professional inquires; http://www.lisaaromano.com

Free Worksheets when you join our newsletter at http://www.lisaaromano.com

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Visit Website Store for downloads, meditations and workshops.

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